How does VLC display subtitles so nicely?

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How does VLC display subtitles so nicely?

Postby Skydarking » 25 Sep 2012 12:34

Well, my question might be odd:

I found VLC is doing such a nice job and I don't understand how:

I just ripped a DVD into the vod and ifo files, and it contains some subtitles.
When I play the dvd (or the ripped files) in a regular player I get those terrible image-based yellow and pixellised subtitles.
That's normal.. I think. It's the vob type subtitles.. image based and so on..right?

But with VLC, when I choose the subtitles I want, it kind of converts them to nice text subtitles. Display them just as if I had chosen an srt file..
I couldn't find if that behavior is totally normal, or if I'm just a fool and didn't realize there actually are text-based subtitles in my vob files...?

Want I want to do is extract/export those text-base subtitles, and be able to exploit them elsewhere. Is that doable?

(I know about soft like SubRip.. I hate it.. It seems that those subtitles exist already somewhere.. I just want to find them ;))

Thank you already for your enlightenment!

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: How does VLC display subtitles so nicely?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 25 Sep 2012 14:08

You might have CC in your vob files.
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Re: How does VLC display subtitles so nicely?

Postby Skydarking » 25 Sep 2012 15:02

And can I extract them somehow?

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Re: How does VLC display subtitles so nicely?

Postby Skydarking » 26 Sep 2012 12:23

So, I tried ccextractor.

Seems to do the job although it get puzzled by special characters [like ♩] and the time is messed up.
Does this guy extract text-based sub, or does it OCR the picture-based ones? I'm not sure.

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Re: How does VLC display subtitles so nicely?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 26 Sep 2012 13:14

Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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New Cone
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Re: How does VLC display subtitles so nicely?

Postby Skydarking » 01 Oct 2012 11:04

Well, thanks for your concise answers.

I was able to get those close caption all right!

Problem solved!

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: How does VLC display subtitles so nicely?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 01 Oct 2012 12:23

Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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