save streaming settings

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New Cone
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save streaming settings

Postby xeen » 22 Sep 2010 10:46

Hi everyone,

I've setup a VLC client and server to stream over LAN and it works. Since I intend to use this setup more often, it would be teriffic to have a shortcut/script that would set up VLC automatically. For the client side, this can simply be done by saving the playlist.

For the server I can save the input via a playlist as well, however I'm having trouble setting up the streaming part. I looked in the long help of command line options and the only options I found for http streaming seem to wrap around SSL protection (I presume). I couldn't find how to setup port, file name for streaming etc.

Have I missed something?


New Cone
New Cone
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Re: save streaming settings

Postby fige18 » 25 Sep 2012 11:33

Did you find a resolution to this at all mate?

I am in exactly the same issues, where I want users to be able to have the setting saved for a stream, and only need to select the file they want to stream. I dont need to keep changing IP address as I am just using the hostname, and the file type will always be mp3 etc.

Let me know or if anyone else know. thanks chris.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: save streaming settings

Postby sketcher » 02 Nov 2012 10:50

You can just use the command line with your setup option and save it as batch/script file. You can copy most input stream with option form setup windows. start with vlc -vvv [your input stream with option].
Mine look like this.
vlc.exe -vvv dshow:// :dshow-vdev="AVerMedia Hybrid TV Video Capture" :dshow-adev="Line In (5- High Definition Audio Device)" :live-caching=3000 :sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=280,scale=0.5,acodec=mpga,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=22050}:http{mux=ts,dst=:8081/} :ttl=11 :sout-keep

this will auto stream form my capture card through http port 8081 using h264/mpga (encap with MPEG-TS).

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: save streaming settings

Postby jmm » 03 Nov 2018 14:54

... 8 years later, I have the same issue: is there a quick way to save the specs of LAN streaming to a shortcut to start broadcasting when starting VLC?
I appreciate your help!

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