Streaming webcam CGI minimal view via command line

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Streaming webcam CGI minimal view via command line

Postby bignose2 » 19 Sep 2012 12:34


WIndows XP.
I must admit I have mainly copied what others have done and not always a great understanding.

Have some Loftek 543 cameras and trying to find a way to view them with no borders & start off with small size.

Had more luck with foscam cameras but the Lofteks must have different issues.
I have just upgraded to a Nighty because VLC could only get the stream 1 ot of 4 attempts, saw others with similar problems with some webcams so I tried.

I can get my foscam to work OK with the following, (shortcut link from desktop)
"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --qt-minimal-view ... d=password

However the Loftek WILL load with the same but takes several seconds to load VLC and FPS is down to 1 frames every 5 seconds, very weird.

So I am using a method picked up from elsewhere, which I prefer anyway.
Using a text editor I create a file Webcam.asf ... d=password
(Note the .cgi & not .asf)

Simply drag this file to my desktop and double click
This loads instantly, and 5 FPS which is what the camera is set at.

Is there a way to add command line function to to this simple webcam.asf file
I have tried hundreds of combinations before & after the ... d=password
nothing works, generally VLC starts but no attempt as the stream, nothing in the top bar.

Are command line possible from this asf file?

Currently changed default of VLC, option preferences, so sort of works, but would still like to size the window on opening and prefer VLC to have all the controls visible on normal video playing.

Could it ever be possible to remove the top bar, I guess perhaps a windows requirement.

Thanks I/A

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Re: Streaming webcam CGI minimal view via command line

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 19 Sep 2012 21:09

You should look at the logs in the 2 different situations.
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