I'm having a strange issue with VLC where when beginning a video file or clicking to a time in the video, my audio distorts, giving off screeching and static, but still in the form of the audio - ie: it follows the tone of the voice or music, but greatly distorted. In addition, there is an echo of the same distortion about ~5 seconds after the initial playback.
This goes on for about 10-20 seconds before subsiding and going away, but occasionally during intense sound, you'll hear some fuzz for a second or two in the background. I've tried turning my volume way down to see if it was blowing out the speakers or something, but the issue persists. I should note that I do not have this issue with other playback software, such as browser flash or mplayer. I'm using ALSA + Pulseaudio on Arch Linux 64-bit, with the sound configured on VLC to the default ALSA device.