what are nput chroma formats for v4l ?

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Blank Cone
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what are nput chroma formats for v4l ?

Postby dufour.emmanuel » 04 Feb 2004 15:41

Can somebody confirm if the input chroma format for v4l means the way the pictures have been sampled: YUV422, YUV420, RGB.... ?

I'm also looking for the list of all strings available to be set in
--v4l-chroma <string> option ? I did'nt found them anywhere.


Emmanuel DUFOUR.

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 04 Feb 2004 17:32

correct chroma is YUV RGB etc.

don't know them. probably all that v4l outputs in and vlc can understand would be a correct chroma setting.
However this will vary per dshow product i guess.
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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby dufour.emmanuel » 04 Feb 2004 17:49

I was asking this question because i use the composite input of a tuner card as an input stream for vlc and i get a very bad video:
- in PAL mode, i see a good quality but black and white display
- in SECAM mode, i have bad quality display like a mixing of red colored pictures and snow !

I was wondering if the input chroma format was bad, i.e. vlc was trying to display YUV pictures as RGB or something like that...

Someone has an other idea ?

Emmanuel DUFOUR.

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