ActiveX axvlcplugin

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 13
Joined: 01 Jun 2008 14:38

ActiveX axvlcplugin

Postby cristof » 24 Aug 2012 18:29

hi all,
I am using VLC 2. 0.2 Twoflower in commande line for Live HTTP segmenter "Apple".
it's working well, and I have develop a small application in Visual Basic 2010 to write the command line as
"vlc -v -I dummy udp://@ vlc://quit --sout="#transcode{width=320,height=240,fps=25,vcodec=h264,vb=500,venc=x264{aud,profile=baseline,level=30,keyint=30,ref=1},acodec=mp3,ab=96}:std{access=livehttp{seglen=10,delsegs=true,numsegs=5,index=c:\Program Files\EasyPHP-5.3.9\www\live\liste.m3u8,index-url= ... C:\Program Files\EasyPHP-5.3.9\www\live\live-########.ts}.

I would like now to integrat to the application a monitoring for the input stream, with a VLC window.
In my vb foarm I have aded the VLC componant COM, V V1 and V V2, but I don't know how to use them.

does anybody could help ? juste let me know how to display a simple video : "C:\video.mpg" ?

thanks a lot, and sory for my bad english.


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