playing videos from .rar

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New Cone
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playing videos from .rar

Postby composite » 19 Aug 2012 22:33

Is there any plan to be able to play videos from .rar files, just like the desktop versions of vlc?

It would save _alot_ of time if I didn't have to unrar evvery video I wanted to put on my android device first. Great work so far :)

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: playing videos from .rar

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 19 Aug 2012 23:06

Did you try to open a rar file with VLC from astro, for example?
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New Cone
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Re: playing videos from .rar

Postby composite » 21 Aug 2012 17:04

from root explorer there is no option to open a .rar file with vlc, but when trying to open as video with vlc nothing happens. am i doing something wrong?

Big Cone-huna
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Re: playing videos from .rar

Postby Arite » 22 Aug 2012 00:46

Root Explorer can extract *.rar files, so you could just open/browse the *.rar file and extract the file. It will ask you if you want to go to the extract folder, then just open it with VLC from in Root Explorer.

It's not un-raring from within VLC, but at least it avoids un-raring on your PC.

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New Cone
New Cone
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Re: playing videos from .rar

Postby composite » 22 Aug 2012 13:32

yeah i forgot root explorer can extract .rar files. i'll probably do that instead rather than on my laptop before transfer. i just thought it would be a nice feature if vlc could play direct from the .rar like on desktop versions. thanks for your input.

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Re: playing videos from .rar

Postby Arite » 22 Aug 2012 17:12

FYI VLC ("desktop" version) can only parse uncompressed RAR files as unrar isn't open source. It presumably is possible to compile the uncompressed RAR access in Android (not sure how much work that would be though).

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