vlv 2.02 audio stuttering

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New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 6
Joined: 06 Dec 2007 22:44

vlv 2.02 audio stuttering

Postby bwana » 29 Jul 2012 14:35

playing an mp3 file gives a lot of stuttering and crackle.
windows media player and media player classic have no problems playing this mp3.

main debug: adding item `01 - Mass Effect Theme.mp3' ( file:///G:/Mass%20Effect/01%20-%20Mass%20Effect%20Theme.mp3 )
main debug: control: stopping input
qt4 debug: Adding a new MRL to recent ones: file:///G:/Mass%20Effect/01%20-%20Mass%20Effect%20Theme.mp3
main debug: dying input
main debug: dying input
main debug: Creating an input for '01 - Mass Effect Theme.mp3'
main debug: removing module "mpeg_audio"
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `mpga', 0 PES in FIFO
main debug: removing module "mpgatofixed32"
main debug: removing module "scaletempo"
main debug: removing module "samplerate"
main debug: removing module "aout_directx"
aout_directx debug: closing audio device
main debug: no fetch required for Mass Effect Theme (art currently file:///C:/Users/Stefan/AppData/Roaming/vlc/art/artistalbum/Mass%20Effect/Mass%20Effect/art.jpg)
aout_directx debug: DirectSoundThread exiting
main debug: removing module "audio_format"
main debug: removing module "float32_mixer"
main debug: releasing audio output
main debug: removing module "es"
main debug: removing module "mpeg_audio"
main debug: removing module "stream_filter_record"
main debug: removing module "filesystem"
main debug: Program doesn't contain anymore ES
main debug: dead input
main debug: processing request item: Mass Effect Theme, node: null, skip: 0
main debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist
main debug: rebuild done - 2 items, index 1
main debug: starting playback of the new playlist item
main debug: resyncing on Mass Effect Theme
main debug: Mass Effect Theme is at 1
main debug: creating new input thread
main debug: Creating an input for 'Mass Effect Theme'
main debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB, in path 'C:\Users\Stefan\AppData\Local\Temp'
main debug: `file:///G:/Mass%20Effect/01%20-%20Mass%20Effect%20Theme.mp3' gives access `file' demux `' path `/G:/Mass%20Effect/01%20-%20Mass%20Effect%20Theme.mp3'
main debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='' location='/G:/Mass%20Effect/01%20-%20Mass%20Effect%20Theme.mp3' file='G:\Mass Effect\01 - Mass Effect Theme.mp3'
main debug: looking for access_demux module: 3 candidates
main debug: no access_demux module matching "file" could be loaded
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.489 ms - Total 0.489 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.489 ms)
main debug: creating access 'file' location='/G:/Mass%20Effect/01%20-%20Mass%20Effect%20Theme.mp3', path='G:\Mass Effect\01 - Mass Effect Theme.mp3'
main debug: looking for access module: 3 candidates
filesystem debug: opening file `G:\Mass Effect\01 - Mass Effect Theme.mp3'
main debug: using access module "filesystem"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.131 ms - Total 0.131 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.131 ms)
main debug: Using stream method for AStream*
main debug: starting pre-buffering
main debug: received first data after 0 ms
main debug: pre-buffering done 1024 bytes in 0s - 66666 KiB/s
main debug: looking for stream_filter module: 4 candidates
main debug: no stream_filter module matching "any" could be loaded
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
main debug: looking for stream_filter module: 1 candidate
main debug: using stream_filter module "stream_filter_record"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.053 ms - Total 0.053 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.053 ms)
main debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='' location='/G:/Mass%20Effect/01%20-%20Mass%20Effect%20Theme.mp3' file='G:\Mass Effect\01 - Mass Effect Theme.mp3'
main debug: ID3v2.3 revision 0 tag found, skipping 45056 bytes
main debug: looking for demux module: 55 candidates
es debug: xing vbr value present (80)
es debug: xing frames&bytes value present (3351913 bytes, 5400 frames, 1152 samples/frame)
es debug: detected format mpga
main debug: looking for packetizer module: 21 candidates
main debug: using packetizer module "mpeg_audio"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.056 ms - Total 0.056 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.056 ms)
mpeg_audio debug: MPGA channels:2 samplerate:44100 bitrate:128
main debug: selecting program id=0
main debug: using demux module "es"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.501 ms - Total 0.501 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.501 ms)
main debug: looking for a subtitle file in G:\Mass Effect\
main debug: looking for decoder module: 31 candidates
main debug: using decoder module "mpeg_audio"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.134 ms - Total 0.134 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.134 ms)
main debug: looking for meta reader module: 2 candidates
taglib debug: Found embedded art: 3 (image/jpeg) is 43817 bytes
main debug: using meta reader module "taglib"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 1.029 ms - Total 1.029 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1.029 ms)
main debug: removing module "taglib"
main debug: `file:///G:/Mass%20Effect/01%20-%20Mass%20Effect%20Theme.mp3' successfully opened
main debug: Buffering 0%
main debug: Buffering 8%
main debug: Buffering 17%
mpeg_audio debug: MPGA channels:2 samplerate:44100 bitrate:128
main debug: Buffering 26%
main debug: recycling audio output
main debug: Buffering 34%
main debug: Buffering 43%
main debug: Buffering 52%
main debug: Buffering 60%
main debug: Buffering 69%
main debug: looking for audio output module: 2 candidates
main debug: Buffering 78%
aout_directx debug: Opening DirectSound Audio Output
main debug: Buffering 87%
main debug: Buffering 95%
main debug: Stream buffering done (313 ms in 0 ms)
aout_directx debug: found device: Primary Sound Driver
aout_directx debug: found device: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
aout_directx debug: found device: Speakers (Sennheiser USB Headset)
qt4 debug: IM: Deleting the input
main debug: TIMER input launching for '01 - Mass Effect Theme.mp3' : 13.047 ms - Total 13.047 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 13.047 ms)
qt4 debug: IM: Setting an input
aout_directx debug: device supports 2 channels (DEFAULT!)
aout_directx debug: device supports 1 channel
aout_directx debug: Windows says your SpeakerConfig is 5.1
aout_directx debug: creating DirectSoundThread
main debug: using audio output module "aout_directx"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 14.995 ms - Total 14.995 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 14.995 ms)
main debug: output 's16l' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/4 bytes
main debug: mixer 'f32l' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/8 bytes
main debug: filter(s) 'f32l'->'s16l' 44100 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 14 candidates
audio_format debug: f32l->s16l, bits per sample: 32->16
main debug: using audio filter module "audio_format"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.081 ms - Total 0.081 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.081 ms)
main debug: conversion pipeline completed
main debug: looking for audio mixer module: 2 candidates
main debug: using audio mixer module "float32_mixer"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.053 ms - Total 0.053 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.053 ms)
main debug: input 'mpga' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1152 samples/1053 bytes
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 1 candidate
scaletempo debug: format: 44100 rate, 2 nch, 4 bps, fl32
scaletempo debug: params: 30 stride, 0.200 overlap, 14 search
scaletempo debug: 1.000 scale, 1323.000 stride_in, 1323 stride_out, 1059 standing, 264 overlap, 617 search, 2204 queue, fl32 mode
main debug: using audio filter module "scaletempo"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.089 ms - Total 0.089 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.089 ms)
main debug: filter(s) 'mpga'->'f32l' 44100 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 14 candidates
mpgatofixed32 debug: mpga->f32l, bits per sample: 32
main debug: using audio filter module "mpgatofixed32"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.067 ms - Total 0.067 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.067 ms)
main debug: conversion pipeline completed
main debug: filter(s) 'f32l'->'f32l' 44100 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: conversion pipeline completed
main debug: filter(s) 'f32l'->'f32l' 48510 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 14 candidates
main debug: using audio filter module "samplerate"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.074 ms - Total 0.074 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.074 ms)
main debug: conversion pipeline completed
main debug: End of audio preroll
main debug: Decoder buffering done in 15 ms
main warning: PTS is out of range (-9993), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (-36103), dropping buffer
mpgatofixed32 debug: libmad error: bad main_data_begin pointer
mpgatofixed32 debug: libmad error: bad main_data_begin pointer
aout_directx debug: DirectSoundThread ready
mpgatofixed32 debug: libmad error: bad main_data_begin pointer
mpgatofixed32 debug: libmad error: bad main_data_begin pointer
mpgatofixed32 debug: libmad error: bad main_data_begin pointer
mpgatofixed32 debug: libmad error: bad main_data_begin pointer
mpgatofixed32 debug: libmad error: bad main_data_begin pointer
main warning: audio output out of sync, adjusting dates (60716 us)
main warning: not synchronized (60716 us), resampling
main warning: buffer too late (60262), up-sampling
main debug: audio output is starving (-60575), playing silence
main warning: audio output out of sync, adjusting dates (-40929 us)
main warning: not synchronized (-40929 us), resampling
main debug: audio output is starving (-85130), playing silence
main warning: resampling stopped after 614218 usec (drift: -19174)
main debug: audio output is starving (-100745), playing silence
main warning: audio output out of sync, adjusting dates (-46287 us)
main warning: not synchronized (-46287 us), resampling
main debug: audio output is starving (-75330), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (-96398), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (-107468), playing silence
main warning: audio output out of sync, adjusting dates (-43186 us)
main warning: not synchronized (-43186 us), resampling
main warning: buffer too early (-70299), down-sampling
main debug: audio output is starving (-70330), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (-96036), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (-96977), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (-87692), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (-78765), playing silence
main warning: audio output out of sync, adjusting dates (-48939 us)
main warning: not synchronized (-48938 us), resampling
main warning: timing screwed, stopping resampling
main warning: buffer too early (-118262), down-sampling
main debug: audio output is starving (-55338), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (-71046), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (-81755), playing silence
main warning: audio output out of sync, adjusting dates (-42111 us)
main warning: not synchronized (-42111 us), resampling
main warning: buffer way too early (-160192), clearing queue
main warning: timing screwed, stopping resampling
main debug: audio output is starving (-247094), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (-114328), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (-100761), playing silence
main warning: audio output out of sync, adjusting dates (-46327 us)
main warning: not synchronized (-46326 us), resampling
main warning: buffer too early (-46326), down-sampling
main debug: audio output is starving (-75330), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (-86393), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (-92459), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (-88528), playing silence


New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 6
Joined: 06 Dec 2007 22:44

Re: vlv 2.02 audio stuttering

Postby bwana » 29 Jul 2012 14:37

X58 motherboard
6 gig ram
application and file on a raid-0 array

windows 7 patched

Cone Master
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Re: vlv 2.02 audio stuttering

Postby Lotesdelere » 30 Jul 2012 09:40

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