Feature Request for VLC for android:

VLC for Android and Chrome OS specific usage questions
New Cone
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Feature Request for VLC for android:

Postby Indirect » 25 Jul 2012 20:08

Well, I was wanting to use VLC due to how well it runs on my windows laptop (and when I dual boot into linux. ;) ) and I was wondering if it could be implemented to connect to FTP through a menu, show a directory listing, choose file, then it streams. If it were implemented on android, it would make streaming content from home computers a lot easier if you just setup the ftp and give your android a dedicated login to go through and pick which movies you want to watch instead of having to supply a full URL to the file. I know this is asking a lot from devs but I am personally not a java coder otherwise I would contribute it myself. :/

Big Cone-huna
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Re: Feature Request for VLC for android:

Postby edwardw » 25 Jul 2012 21:21

IMHO Unlikely to be done, but a bookmark/playlist feature is in progress. Once it's done you could just bookmark your videos' MRL.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Feature Request for VLC for android:

Postby Indirect » 25 Jul 2012 23:28

It's not that unlikely to be done. It's more of a question of if a developer agrees and knows how to implement it. Being able to get a directory listing of an FTP and then streaming does sound like some work but surely it isn't as bad as you would think. New menu > TCP connection > Send login credentials > get directory listing > parse directory listing to layout > select video > use player to accept incoming packets of movie.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Feature Request for VLC for android:

Postby dax66 » 02 Aug 2012 15:26

IMHO Unlikely to be done, but a bookmark/playlist feature is in progress. Once it's done you could just bookmark your videos' MRL.
I have VLC media player 2.0.3 Twoflower on the desktop and VLC Direct Pro Free 2.3 on Android.
I would (very x 999) much like to be able to use .xspf, .m3u ... from the desktop on Android variant of VLC after i copy the files needed, and at any cost please do relative paths, that is afterwards i'll be able to move the files any place (any path on the other computer) and i'll still play the playlist files.
I need this especially for audio files.

It's better to write my desire elsewhere too?

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Re: Feature Request for VLC for android:

Postby edwardw » 02 Aug 2012 15:37

Playlists support is planned.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Feature Request for VLC for android:

Postby dax66 » 02 Aug 2012 15:44

...the way i wanted to, if i get it right, because it make almost no sens otherwise, please confirm if you can.

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Re: Feature Request for VLC for android:

Postby edwardw » 02 Aug 2012 15:49

XSPF seems to always require an absolute path, but M3U8 playlists seem to support relative paths.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Feature Request for VLC for android:

Postby dax66 » 02 Aug 2012 16:08

To my test .m3u8 is the same with .m3u and have absolute paths:

#EXTINF:230,LINE 005.MP3
#EXTVLCOPT:bookmarks={name=LINE 005.MP30,bytes=2413871,time=75}
#EXTVLCOPT:bookmarks={name=LINE 005.MP30,bytes=2413871,time=75},{name=LINE 005.MP31,bytes=4515900,time=141}
D:\Libraries\Music\edit\LINE 005.MP3
#EXTINF:272,Chanson Boheme - Carmen - Bizet.MP3
#EXTVLCOPT:bookmarks={name=Chanson Boheme - Carmen - Bizet.MP32,bytes=1232865,time=38}
#EXTVLCOPT:bookmarks={name=Chanson Boheme - Carmen - Bizet.MP32,bytes=1232865,time=38},{name=Chanson Boheme - Carmen - Bizet.MP31,bytes=5867729,time=183}
#EXTVLCOPT:bookmarks={name=Chanson Boheme - Carmen - Bizet.MP32,bytes=1232865,time=38},{name=Chanson Boheme - Carmen - Bizet.MP31,bytes=5867729,time=183},{name=Chanson Boheme - Carmen - Bizet.MP32,bytes=7880653,time=246}
D:\Libraries\Music\Katherine Jenkins\TVR1\Chanson Boheme - Carmen - Bizet.MP3

Please do not let programmers work to no purpose, if they make anyway this code now.

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Re: Feature Request for VLC for android:

Postby edwardw » 02 Aug 2012 16:11

Edit the .m3u8 and delete the absolute part, and put it in the same folder as the MP3s. I tested it just now and it works.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Feature Request for VLC for android:

Postby dax66 » 02 Aug 2012 17:00

Very good idea and no doubt it should work, thanks.
I will need to be able to play and use the bookmarks i set with VLC for Windows, on an Android smartphone, remote from the PC... so it's a good idea to copy audio files i need in same folders, i do not have a reason otherwise, then or before edit playlists. Would be nice a feature "make relative". on Android VLC.
Anyway it arrived a lot of problems and it seems hard to use VLC otherwise than networked:
1. just did a try to go to a certain folder locally and VLC Direct Pro Free 2.3 on Android do not let me or i don't know how.
2. It shows up a long list of audio files without their path so i don't understand/recognize anything
3. when i try to play one it just streems if needed, it does not play at all, just if i choose another player which i don't need to do so
Help please or to make a new topic?!

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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VLC version: 3.0.0-git

Re: Feature Request for VLC for android:

Postby edwardw » 02 Aug 2012 17:03

"VLC Direct Pro Free" has nothing to do with VideoLAN. "VLC Direct Pro Free" is neither VideoLAN made nor VideoLAN approved software. Please do not make support requests regarding "VLC Direct Pro Free" on VideoLAN support channels. Thank you very much in advance.

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