Postby Rogerick » 29 Oct 2012 19:30
I posted this also in general section//- NOT Windows SPECIFIC > but if not here, many would miss this easy quick non-destructive fix.
Our family has desktop Macs and one Powerbook. Also two windows laptops, XP and Win7, and Win7 Desktop. Win machines are bare, dedicated purposed.
I found MANY movies from x264 to avi, suddenly had 'broken files', I also suspected corrupted download first.
This problem became untenable frequency, after upgrading to version 2 VLC.
New movies were broken, and needed repair to play - that played fine on other [virgin software] machines!
Movies computer viewed took much time to rebuild - like every time I tried to 'rewind' for something I missed- to replay in part or whole! Replay meant rebuilding again. Hitting back button, also rebuild again. Frustrating.
When viewing without interruption, movie played fine after 'fix'. But 'repair' required every time played.
In Preferences, I 'reset' my advanced preferences to original 'default'. THAT's IT!
> Now VLC no longer assumes most files are 'broken', and plays without interruption (except when I try to REVIEW MISSED SECONDS USING BACK BUTTON!
> Please give us back our FAST/unique to MACOSX adjustable time back button!)
CAUSE of Problem: I believe something I set up years ago, remaining in preferences as upgrades removed original necessity, caused this.
Still not sure exactly what, but two machines narrowed it to the input and codec section of preferences.
Resetting it to original default settings, easily fixed this problem for us, so I registered, and posted it here now, to share.