I am on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (precise) and try to run vdr streaming with the embeded vlc plugin in chrome.
Code: Select all
$ dpkg -l|egrep "vlc|google-chrome"
ii browser-plugin-vlc 2.0.0-1 multimedia plugin for web browsers based on VLC
ii google-chrome-stable 19.0.1084.56-r140965 The web browser from Google
ii libvlc5 2.0.1-4 multimedia player and streamer library
ii libvlccore5 2.0.1-4 base library for VLC and its modules
ii vlc 2.0.1-4 multimedia player and streamer
ii vlc-data 2.0.1-4 Common data for VLC
ii vlc-nox 2.0.1-4 multimedia player and streamer (without X support)
ii vlc-plugin-notify 2.0.1-4 LibNotify plugin for VLC
ii vlc-plugin-pulse 2.0.1-4 PulseAudio plugin for VLC
Is this problem known?