Problem with client side when server side is paused (telnet)

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Problem with client side when server side is paused (telnet)

Postby JannoSK » 07 Jun 2012 12:00

Hi All,

my vlc version is 1.1.12 and OS is the latest Ubuntu. I configure vlc server which stream some videos via RTSP and is controlling with telnet connection. With telnet I control streaming on server side because I need to stream in broadcast mode. One stream in one time is receiving with o group of users and this receiving must to be simultaneous. This works correct.

I have this kind of problem. When I use telnet connection on server and apply this command on pausing stream (CONTROL channel PAUSE), client side wait a few seconds (less than 4 s) and then closed connection. Because when I pause streaming on server side, no data is received on client side. So I need my connection open and waiting on resume streaming. This is important as I am playing a stream that may be paused for some time. Is there any way to fix this ?

I have following configuration:
conf. file
new channel1 broadcast enabled
setup channel1 input /home/output.m2v loop
setup channel1 output #rtp{sdp=rtsp://,port=1234,ttl=127}
control channel1 play

I starting vlc with this command:
vlc --ttl 12 -vvv --color -I telnet --telnet-password videolan --vlm-conf /home/conf.file --rtsp-host

vlc rtsp://

I found following topics on this forum, but there was no answer. I think I have similar problem.

I tried fix this with timeouts (rtp-timeout, rtsp-timeout, ipv4-timeout, netsync-timeout), but nothing happend.

Can anyone help me ?

Thanks in advance for all assistance.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Joined: 07 Jun 2004 16:01
VLC version: master
Operating System: Linux

Re: Problem with client side when server side is paused (tel

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 07 Jun 2012 12:12

You can't do that. A server stream should never be paused while it is actively watched.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 07 Jun 2012 10:50

Re: Problem with client side when server side is paused (tel

Postby JannoSK » 07 Jun 2012 14:25

Hi Remi.

Thanks for your quick response.

I thought. But I found another topic which very interested me.

Mainly this part:
look for "no data received in 10s, eof ?"

Is this different problem or when I change this interval it could help me ?
I need to control only server side with commands like pause, resume, stop, play because the core of my work includes watching the same stream with group of people. They can control this stream. So when one user pause stream, this stream must be paused for everyone who received it. This is not possible on the client side.

I dont know other solution how to do that. Is there another solution from your opinion ?

Thanks and Regards.


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