Postby chiefpropellerhead » 23 May 2012 16:34
Yes ... and No. I tried but am ignorant of how to identify the stream. The IP address used by the web browser is ... and the default web page is at /en/AViewer.html ... within that page, the html source shows the video being displayed by a program versus a specific address. The viewer is either java (jar) or Activex (ocx). Basically, the viewer on the web page is a program. So I cannot determine the URL.
The second option was to stream the video using Unicast. This, unfortunately, is a bit over my head. When I select MPEG4 from the control panel (I have a choice of MPEG4 of JPEG), I have the option to Unicast on ports (video) 50000 and (audio) 50002. I tried to use as the URL ... blindly trying various protocols (http, etc) to no success. There is a Multicast option but I have not ventured there.