Synchronized streaming over LAN?

About encoding, codec settings, muxers and filter usage

Synchronized streaming over LAN?

Postby testohoop » 01 Aug 2005 18:45

Hello everyone!

What I want to do is to have synchronized playback of my mp3's through computers in different rooms so that all the speakers in my house would be "tuned" to the same stream. Obviously, it gets really irritating really soon when you walk through the house and all of the speakers are out of sync.

At the moment I've setup VLC and it works like a charm, EXCEPT for the synchronization part! Is it at all possible? Should I add this to feature requests?

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Postby dionoea » 01 Aug 2005 18:55

a "netsync" module is alread available. You have to setup the stream server to act as a "sync reference" (or whatever its supposed to be called) and ask all the clients to use it to sync.

You enable it by adding it to the extra interfaces list

Code: Select all

--extraintf netsync
Help about the "netsync" module :

Code: Select all

Network synchronisation --netsync-master, --no-netsync-master Act as master for network synchronisation (default disabled) Allows you to specify if this client should act as the master client for the network synchronisation. (default disabled) --netsync-master-ip <string> Master client ip address Allows you to specify the ip address of the master client used for the network synchronisation.
(all this is of course available in the prefs if you don't want to use command line options)
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)


Postby testohoop » 01 Aug 2005 19:42

a "netsync" module is alread available. You have to setup the stream server to act as a "sync reference" (or whatever its supposed to be called) and ask all the clients to use it to sync.
You have no idea how good it feels to hear that there's a solution after a whole day of struggling with this!! :o :D So a biiig biiig thank you!

Although I'm still struggling with it. I thought I fixed all the settings properly, but it's not synched yet.

I did this on the server computer: I went to Settings/Preferences/Interface/Control Interfaces and then checked the box for Network Synchronisation. After that I checked the box in its Advanced Settings "Act as master for network synchronisation". Then I saved the properties and went to check the settings for the receiving computer.

For the client machine I checked the box for Network Synchronisation and added the ip address of the server machine to the box "Master Client IP Address".

After that I just started streaming from the server (with "Play Locally" checked) and opened the stream from the other computer. They still weren't synced though.

Is there something obvious I have missed? :oops:

Cone Master
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Location: Paris, France

Postby dionoea » 01 Aug 2005 20:27

yes ... the streaming server should only stream. You need to use another instance of VLC acting as client in order to use the syncing mechanism.
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)

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