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Postby zdf » 15 Jul 2005 09:59


Im using Debian Unstable and I do apt-update every days.
I saw some days before that was replacing XFree86.
Im feeling happy for that but there's still a problem :

XFree and provide differents versions of Libglu.
The one is not compatible with wxWindow which depend VLC
so, I can't run VLC anymore.

Somebody have a solution ?


strattonbrazil install with debian

Postby strattonbrazil » 18 Jul 2005 03:01

Yeah, I'm getting the same problem. Is there a way to either force an installation through apt-get ignoring dependencies (even though it's bad)? or possibly a quick edit in one of the packages to make it require a different package like the xorg package instead? I've never worked with Debian packages myself. I just switched to it...

I do know that the package for vlc says you can use something like xlibmesa-glu OR libglu... so it shouldn't be too long before the guy who runs the vlc Debian packet just adds that to the Debian package.

any thoughts on this?

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Joined: 21 Nov 2003 02:53
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Postby zorglub » 18 Jul 2005 14:14


The Debian package of VLC is not made by us but by its Debian maintainer, so you should direct debian-specific comments/bugs to the BTS.

A fixed version of VLC should be uploaded very soon, once the libraries VLC depend on have finished their C++ ABI transition.
Clément Stenac

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