Hı all,
thıs ıs my fırst post on thıs forum,
so ı hope ı've posted ın the rıght place.
I've only recently ınstalled VLC,
and have now realızed that
1. It has knocked out Wındows Medıa Player,
from beıng my default musıc CD's player.
I know that ı can through Tools>Preferences>Setup Assocıatıons,
uncheck relevant boxes,to make W.M.Player my default musıc CD player agaın,
however ı don't know WHICH BOXES TO UNCHECK to make that happen.
2. The sound of my musıc CD's wıth VLC as the default player,
ıs rather ınferıor to W.M.Player.
Anythıng ı could do to change that?
Thank you for any assıstance