Mac: plays Avi with heavy purple bias, double screened

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Mac: plays Avi with heavy purple bias, double screened

Postby sMackHappy » 15 Jul 2005 18:02

On a PowerMac G4 (dual 1.25 Ghz processors, 2 GB RAM) OS 10.2.8,
Certain DivX or Xvid videos will play, but will play in a split screen mode, so that two images of the same movie appear in the same window, side by side.
Also, there is a heavy purple tint, almost a monochrome.

Is there a fix for this?


purple, almost monochrome

Postby cmdrdata » 16 Jul 2005 15:09

I have thie problem and i think this is a setting problem which cannot seem to stick in my preference setting (have to redo each time). The color can be corrected using Video-> Delnterlace-> Mean. It would be nice if VLCX would remember this setting. (Mine is on a WinXP Pro, VLC version 0.82)

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