Metadata, Filenames, etc

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Metadata, Filenames, etc

Postby werdbooty » 17 Jan 2012 21:39


Now, I know this topic has come up several times before. I've seen some partial solutions, none of which worked. I'm to a point where I no longer want to fix the problem, I want to ignore it. And I think I'm not the only one.

Meta info. It's garbled and nonsensical, 90% of the time. All I'd like to see, when I load up a video in vlc, is a straight-up filename as OSD. What I, personally, renamed the file to in Windows, using only my F2 key. Nothing else. Is there a way to do "disable" metadata reading altogether? Or maybe alter the way it's read? Like I said, I don't want to fix my videos, I would like vlc to read only the filename, as it appears in my browser, and relay that to the OSD.

I suppose the next step would be remuxing to wipe the info. Sigh.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Metadata, Filenames, etc

Postby linuxsafari » 06 May 2012 04:32

I want this solution. A simple option in preferences that chooses to 1) use metadata as displayname or 2) use entire filename as display name. I am concidering learning programming so i can hack this solution myself as i read forum messages dating years back on this issue. Could a plugin resolve this or does one have to hack the code somehow?

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 03 Jul 2013 21:38

Re: Metadata, Filenames, etc

Postby Lowtz » 03 Jul 2013 22:46

I really want to know any solution, too :x

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