DTS playback inquiry

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DTS playback inquiry

Postby cal_rimular » 09 Jul 2005 07:20

Hello VLC comrades,

I was curious as to the abilities of any DTS playback on VLC 0.8.2
I have read posts on this forum that discuss the legal issues of DTS
Do any moderators here have the latest details as to the usage of DTS files such as: *.wav, *.dts, *.cpt ?

I have tried to playback my 5.1 sound mixes with VLC 0.8.2 and have had absolutely no success - I have an AirPort Express and a M-Audio FW410.

If anyone could be nice and get back to me on this issue that would be amazing, as a side note I have the DTS Surround Encoder software from DTS and it rocks !



Postby Guest » 28 Dec 2005 14:55

If you want to play DTS sound with VLC, you need version 0.7.2. DTS was taken out of the versions after that because of legal issues.

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