VLC mozilla plugin does not work

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 42
Joined: 10 Jun 2008 19:29

VLC mozilla plugin does not work

Postby giaur » 20 Nov 2011 17:17


I use tvheadend to watch tv. I want to watch tv with browser interface. For this, tvheadend uses mozilla vlc plugin. But there is one problem - it does not work:
- Windows 7 - plugin crashes immediatelly
- Linux - plugin just does not work, nothing happens and nothing played

The same stream like provided to plugin plays without any problems with standalone vlc. So: is vlc mozilla plugin crap, is tvheadend crap or anything else? From my point of view, I have never seen this plugin working - is this maintained or supported still, or I should forget about it?

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