Postby Fun2Learn » 11 Oct 2011 04:38
Hi. I recently downloaded vlc 1.1.11 to a 3 yr. old Toshiba laptop. My daughter is homeschooled and this year is using a curriculum that has classes recorded on dvds, so I needed something better than the Toshiba media player or window media player (they would periodically freeze, and we also needed better fast-forward and rewind, and playback speed controls). At first the VLC seemed to work wonderfully--we couldn't believe all the great features on a FREE download! However, after about a week or two of use, we noticed that the fan on the computer is now running on high whenever we use VLC to watch the dvds. I don't think it did that at first, though perhaps it did and we were just too busy figuring out how to use vlc and learning how to use its wonderful features, as well as paying attention to the teacher on the dvd, to notice. I tried the Toshiba media player and Windows media player again with the same dvds and they don't seem to cause the fan to make so much noise. Any suggestions on how we can get the fan not to be so loud when using VLC to watch these dvds? Thanks.