How to record a raw video stream using VLC command line

*nix specific usage questions
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How to record a raw video stream using VLC command line

Postby pavithra_mdn » 13 Oct 2011 08:43


I am trying to record a stream from an IPcamera using command line options as a .mov file. The recording happens successfully and can be played back without any issue. The following are the commands I use

"vlc $input_stream --play-and-exit --run-time=60 -V dummy --intf=dummy --quiet --sout

Now I want to record the raw video of the same stream using VLC command line. Is there a way to do it using VLC. I want to pass the commands for raw video recording together with the above commands so that .mov and raw video recording happen one after the other or simultaneously. Is that possible using VLC? Can anybody help me with this?


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