Hello Lotesdelere,
thank you for looking at the file.
I recorded the FLV file from a video stream of dacast.com with rtmpsuck version 2.3.
revision: 569
Not sure whether rtmpsuck is the problem, dacast.com or whatever.
The timestamps of this file are badly broken
Currently, I try to understand what the timecodes of FLVExtract can tell me.
Code: Select all
wget http://moitah.net/download/latest/FLV_Extract.zip
unzip FLV_Extract.zip
mono FLVExtractCL.exe -v -a -t videostream_2011-09-27_23-42-16.flv
The command above produces 3 files:
1. video: 27:56 min, H.264
2. audio: 27:40 min, MP3
3. timecodes: 16768 lines at 10 frames per second = 1676.7 seconds = 27:56 min
When I look at the timecodes, I can see 125 times 0 at the beginning:
Code: Select all
less -N videostream_2011-09-27_23-42-16.txt
At 10 frames per second, each line seems to represent 0.1 seconds.
As far as I understand, this means that with 125 lines 0 I have to skip 12.5 seconds of the video to be in sync with the audio
What I do not understand are the mixed values of relative and absolute times in the timecodes:
Code: Select all
line 127: 63
line 128: 163
line 129: 14051989
line 202: 14059289
line 203: 7663
line 204: 14059489
Line 127 contains the relative value 0.063 seconds since the start of the video and line 203 is 7.663 seconds since the start of the video.
Besides that are absolute values like 14051989 == 14051.989 seconds == 3:54:12 which could be the start of the video stream from the webserver
What I am going to try is cut the video at the beginning by 12.5 seconds and at the end so that audio and video have the same length. After that audio and video could be multiplexed together.
If I have success, I'm going to post the program / command lines that I use.