Converting DVD to MP4 fail at precise time

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Converting DVD to MP4 fail at precise time

Postby Repulsif » 17 Sep 2011 22:44

Sorry for my bad english, should be easier in my native language (french), but i'll make a try.

I wanted to convert a DVD to a MP4 H264 file.

The DVD movie lenght is about 2:14:00 when i just play it.
Then trying to convert it.

I let the standard settings (H264 + AAC), start to record, everything seems fine during the record.
Then, when I try to play the MP4, it shows a lenght of 1:59:00.
Evereything seems fine from 0:00:00 to 1:13:00, video and sound are superb.

Then at 1:13:00 I have no more sound, and the video seems to play at an accelarated rate.

Symptoms :
when I try to navigate from 0:00:00 to 1:13:00 everthing is ok
when I try to jump at, say 1:15:00 or 1:45:00, VLC kind of freeze.

I know the correct frame is 29 fps (or so) because it is a NTSC movie (in fact that's a football game but whatever).
In the properties of the MP4 file, it shows 33fps.

It's been 3 days (and about 13-15 hours) I'm scraching my head guessing what's wrong with me, what I have done wrong, what I miss something stupidly evident.

Tried for the record to convert with another software (handbrake), but the file/output seems corrupted/crappy.

Tried to convert from a chapter to the end (just did a few minutes for the test because my computer take a lot of time for the whole thing), ie chapter 4 -end equals from 1:35:00 to 2:14:00 and it seems to be converted correctly.

What can I do please ?
Converting each chapter separatly could be fine too, but I don't know how to to it.

I just want a copy file (preferably H264 or xvid) of my DVD in case of it broke.

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Re: Converting DVD to MP4 fail at precise time

Postby VLC_help » 18 Sep 2011 15:30

Use tool called Handbrake.

There is a bug in DVD transcoding in VLC.

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