add (mix) another audio source

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add (mix) another audio source

Postby jader31 » 12 Aug 2011 20:58


I'd like to know if VLC (or other program from videolan) can accept a second audio input and output it to HTTP (as server).
So I'd have something like

Code: Select all

video1-src + audio1-src ---> VLC -----> stream/play video1-src+(audio1-src or/and audio-2) audio2-src-------ˆ
I'd like to use it to get a second language audio with primary audio (dub a film/video)
If I'd have just one output of audio signal (audio1 or audio2) this would be acceptable too.

I've seen a similar question here: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=89572&p=295431&hil ... al#p295431
but he got no answer.

If this do not exist, I'd evaluate an donation/payment to someone wishing to do this.
Not sure right now how much we could afford.
That donation/payment could be done as HW also.

Thanks by your time reading this.


Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: add (mix) another audio source

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 12 Aug 2011 23:27

Yes, use --input-slave.
Doesn't work with all sources though...
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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