dvb-s: cant figure out why I cant watch some German channels

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dvb-s: cant figure out why I cant watch some German channels

Postby franzimaier » 24 Jul 2011 03:49

hello, all

I have created a playlist to use my dvb-s card and it works well, with some exeptions.

An example entry in my Playlist for a Channel that don't work is:

<title>0012. Nick. Comedy Central</title>
<extension application="http://www.videolan.org/vlc/playlist/0">

I have really try a lot but I can't figure ot whats the problem.
Other channels with this frequency also dont work.

To test changes I have also used such a structured comand-line:
vlc -vvv dvb-s://satno=2,frequency=11973000,voltage=13,srate=27500000 --program=28680

I think it could work with some changes, cause I can watch Comedy Central in Kaffeine, and there are the same values for the channel configuration with some additionals.

I also have the question if i can switch the polarization from vertical to horizontal by using voltage=18 - I think so.

I really like Comedy Central, so it would be verry nice when i could watch it (and Stream it) with vlc.
The stream function of VLC is pretty good i think but a little bit hard to understand. But its not really a problem cause on the other side it is really powerfull.

For other users that want to stream dvb-s to network I have a working example as goodie (it isn't that easy to create one that it sounds, cause I dont think that it works with the gui.):

An easy minimal commannd is:
vlc -vvv dvb-s://satno=2,frequency=11953000,voltage=18,srate=27500000 --program=28006 --sout '#http{access=http,mux=ogg,dst=:8080/ps.ogg}'

You can use it in an easy shell script that switchs the tv channels and you can remote controll it via ssh.
on the client side I simply use mplayer from the command line.
On that way you can switch remotely tv channels verry fast.

Im completly new in advenced using of VLC player so it wasn't easy to create a working comand like this cause I haven't find a usefull example. Here was only a example with a lot additional things that I dont need (In this example they stream multiple programms of a Transponder....).

Sorry for some issues in my english, that isnt my native language.
Thanks for helping, Franzi.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: dvb-s: cant figure out why I cant watch some German chan

Postby franzimaier » 24 Jul 2011 19:43

Is really nobody there who has anithing to say about it?
If anybody has any hint please say it.

I have to say one thing I have forget:
When I try to watch this "lost" channels I can see some methainfos, for example The EPG.
What I miss is sound and Video.

thanks for replying,

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: dvb-s: cant figure out why I cant watch some German chan

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 24 Jul 2011 20:20

If you do see the channel in the programs list, then it's probably encrypted.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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New Cone
New Cone
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Re: dvb-s: cant figure out why I cant watch some German chan

Postby franzimaier » 25 Jul 2011 04:01

I'm sure it isn't encryptet because I can watch it in Kaffeine and on every normal sat-receiver

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