Please! Help: A final answer to VLC streaming

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Please! Help: A final answer to VLC streaming

Postby JohnLarySmith » 20 Jul 2011 11:22


I have been using VLC for a few years. VLC is the ultimate video app! (no doubt), but I can't stream !!!!

I use the Windows GUI version or VLC. I can play any content with VLC, but always stayed away from STREAMING cause people like me can't make it work (I do try every few moths).

I forgot the millions of reasons why I attempted streaming in the past. However, this time I am intent on making it work, not just for myself, but for the other Average Joes, like myself; So please help me!

I believe that the problem lies in the less than ideal documentation to the features/options of VLC. I can look up and understand the differences between Unicast and Multicast. UDP and HTTP. But still, I never got it to work.

Let's start here. Here's a real world problem. I have an analog video camera. The camera is connected to a video capture device. I can see the video on VLC. I set VLC to stream. I opened a new instance of VLC and asked it to open a network stream. It does not work. Do I need to be on a different computer? What is the problem?


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Re: Please! Help: A final answer to VLC streaming

Postby Greg » 20 Jul 2011 22:53

If you are trying to set up a "Real World stream" then you really need to be testing it out on a LAN (to start with), so yes, you will need another computer on your LAN to receive the stream.

The default settings should work OK, I would try with http as the protocol. Perhaps start with a simple file to stream Eg a .wmv2/wma2 file with the wmv + wma (asf) profile selected.

That proven and working...

Then go on to try your camera/capture device...

Simply saying...
It does not work
Gives no clue to what you have done or tried, or indeed any path to suggesting a solution as to why you may be having problems making it work. So try something simple as suggested and post back in detail what you did and what happened...?


Much enjoyed your typo.... :)
(I do try every few moths)

You might find this post helpfull, a little dated, but valid.

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