starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

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starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby Wolfson » 13 Jul 2011 14:05


I have a question:
Is it possible to start two instances of the vlc-player simultaneosly? -> on two monitors
The target is to have 2 monitors connected to the same computer and each monitor shows one video. Both videos have exactely the same length and should be looped until stopped and should be synchron. To ensure that the videos are synchron I want to start them out of the command line if possible ;) Is there any way to do that?
I guess it is possible with a network and 3 computers, but I want to keep it as simple as possible...

Thanks in advance for every help!

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Re: starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby VLC_help » 13 Jul 2011 17:32

netsync for sync

and start vlc in batch file for videos

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start "first VLC" vlc.exe --video-x=10 first.avi start "second VLC" vlc.exe --video-x=2000 second.avi

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Re: starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby Wolfson » 13 Jul 2011 20:57

hey thanks a lot for your help!

I could get a batch-file start the videos (it is the 1st time I've written a batch file). But honestly I don't really know how to synchronize them. They start one after the other. The link to "netsync" seems to me like I would need a network?! But I want to do all this with only one computer and two monitors connected ;) Is this possible? Could I for example just a some commands to the batch-file in order to start the two movies simultaneously?

And how could I get them running in a loop?

Thanks a lot in advance!

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Re: starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby Wolfson » 13 Jul 2011 23:55

In the meanwhile I found a solution which is close to what I need:

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"c:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --loop "d:\Videos\movie1.avi" --input-slave="d:\Videos\movie2.avi" PAUSE
The only problem that remains is that I have to manually drag the 2 windows with the mouse to the desired monitors and make them beeing in fullsize. This would not be a problem if I would have to do that ones, but as the loop continues the windows are in the start position again :(

-> does anyone knows a solution how I can tell the video to start in fullscreen mode on one monitor or on the second one?

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Re: starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby Wolfson » 14 Jul 2011 09:08

I post the solution that I found in case somebody will look for the same possibility ;)

Open an editor, create a new file and save it as <Name>.bat
Then just insert the following:

Code: Select all

"c:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --loop --fullscreen "d:\video1.avi" --input-slave="d:\video2.avi"
and of course replace the path and filenames "d:\video1.avi" with yours :)

It seems to only work with *.avi videos, but it's perfectly synchronized :mrgreen:

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Re: starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby VLC_help » 14 Jul 2011 17:08

You can use netsync on loopback address, eg.

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Re: starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby pearlvr4 » 15 Nov 2011 03:39


VLC is great. I have been able to get two different videos synchronized on one pc, and maximized on two different monitors. The only thing I can't seem to fix is the second monitor window always shows the top title/menu bar. The primary one maximizes hiding all but the video. Is there a setting that I am missing?

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Re: starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby VLC_help » 15 Nov 2011 16:07

You can run with dummy interface(-I dummy) and without decorations in case you don't want any additional stuff

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--video-deco, --no-video-deco Window decorations (default enabled) VLC can avoid creating window caption, frames, etc... around the video, giving a "minimal" window. (default enabled)

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Re: starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby pearlvr4 » 15 Nov 2011 19:46

Thank you for your help. I will try this when I get home tonight. I do have one other question. Through the advanced play tab I was able to get the 2'nd video to synchronize (I noticed as slave.) Within the choice of the 2'nd video it has another option to synchronize (which I assume allows a 3'rd video,etc...) After selecting a 3'rd video I hit play, but it only opens the 1'st and 2'ndI videos, but not the 3'rd. Is the 3'rd synchronized video an option? If it is is there something else I can do? Thanks for your time.

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Re: starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby VLC_help » 16 Nov 2011 15:49

AFAIK one can't chain slave-inputs.

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Re: starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby lolz » 09 Jan 2012 23:01


anyone a clue how to force vlc to play video1 on main display and video2 on 2nd display ?


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Re: starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby VLC_help » 10 Jan 2012 17:17

Single vlc.exe or multiple ones?

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Re: starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby thebroll » 02 Feb 2012 23:19

I was also wondering if I can force vlc to play video 1 on main display and video 2 on 2nd display using one instance of vlc.exe. I can drag them over and get them to play in sync but after one or two loops they start to reorient themselves. Any suggestions? Also wondering if we have any other forum topic that shows the batch file needed to have two separate instances of vlc.exe running and sync'd. Thanks in advance.

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Re: starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby VLC_help » 03 Feb 2012 19:16

Netsync might work better in your case.

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Re: starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby giggleface » 12 Oct 2012 17:27

i tried this and this works

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start "first VLC" "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" filename1.mp4 --no-qt-fs-controller --qt-start-minimized --qt-fullscreen-screennumber=1 --video-x=0 --video-y=0 --no-embedded-video --fullscreen --video-on-top --no-video-title-show start "second VLC" "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" filename2.mp4 --no-qt-fs-controller --qt-start-minimized --qt-fullscreen-screennumber=2 --video-x=1030 --video-y=100 --no-embedded-video --fullscreen --video-on-top --no-video-title-show

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Re: starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby Da Mann » 09 Apr 2013 19:58

I am looking to do something similar for a conference. 1 pc running two iterations of VLC each running a separate video that needs to be synced on two monitors. I'd like to set them up in advance and use a bat file or command line to fire both at the same time... Any thoughts?

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Re: starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby GogolBordello » 08 Mar 2016 11:06

start "first VLC" "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" C:\Users\acer\Desktop\ --no-embedded-video --directx-device="\\.\DISPLAY1" --fullscreen --loop
start "second VLC" "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" C:\Users\acer\Desktop\ --no-embedded-video --directx-device="\\.\DISPLAY2" --fullscreen --loop

it will distribute the Clips on each Display and play fullscreen

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Re: starting 2 videos on 2 monitors (1 PC) simultaneously

Postby pmi_apv » 10 Jun 2016 11:13

Did anyone tried to such thing on Windows 10? I need to run three insctances of VLC on three projectors connected to one PC. I prepared such script:

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start "first VLC" "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" "C:\Users\User1\Desktop\Mov_v001.mp4" --no-qt-fs-controller --qt-start-minimized --qt-fullscreen-screennumber=1 --video-x=0 --video-y=0 --no-embedded-video --fullscreen --video-on-top --no-video-title-show start "second VLC" "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" "C:\Users\User1\Desktop\Mov_v002.mp4" --no-qt-fs-controller --qt-start-minimized --qt-fullscreen-screennumber=2 --video-x=2000 --video-y=100 --no-embedded-video --fullscreen --video-on-top --no-video-title-show start "third VLC" "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" "C:\Users\User1\Desktop\Mov_v003.mp4" --no-qt-fs-controller --qt-start-minimized --qt-fullscreen-screennumber=3 --video-x=4000 --video-y=100 --no-embedded-video --fullscreen --video-on-top --no-video-title-show
When I ran it on Windows 7 it worked fine, but on Windows 10 x64 with Matrox M9148 LP PCIe x16 card, all VLC windows are on one screen. Did anyone had such problem?

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