VLC Streming in MMS crash after 30 seconds

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VLC Streming in MMS crash after 30 seconds

Postby bayeux » 17 Jun 2011 21:12


i'm trying to set up a streaming server using VLC.

My configuration is as follows :
- Input Card : BlackMagic Intensity Pro
- OS : Windows 7 64 bits
- CPU : Core i3
- RAM : 4 Go
- VLC : 1.1.10 with default parameters used through GUI (i'am newbee and try my setup using GUI before switching to command line mode)

I would like to configure VLC in order to stream live input coming from the card.

I try the following setup :
- Open Capture device
- Stream type : MMSH , server address : ip address from my PC, port number 8080 (default value)
- Display stream locally is checked
- No transcoding options (for the moment)
- Launch the streaming

Looking for RAM increase show that memory goes up to 2, 7 Go
No impact on CPU

Images coming from camera through the BlackMagic Card appears on screen. Then after about 30 seconds, VLC gui crashes !!

TIA for any help you may provide.


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Re: VLC Streming in MMS crash after 30 seconds

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 20 Jun 2011 00:26

You need to transcode, because the BM will output too much.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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