Other xvid encoded avis seem to work fine in VLC.
message log with verbosity at 2: (important bits)
Code: Select all
main debug: saving a free vout
avi debug: free chunk avih
avi debug: free chunk strh
avi debug: free chunk strf
avi warning: unknown chunk (not unloaded)
avi debug: free chunk LIST
avi debug: free chunk LIST
avi debug: free chunk ISFT
avi debug: free chunk LIST
avi debug: free chunk JUNK
avi debug: free chunk LIST
avi debug: free chunk idx1
avi debug: free chunk RIFF
avi warning: unknown chunk (not unloaded)
avi debug: free chunk LIST
Code: Select all
avcodec error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)
main warning: late picture skipped (532251 > -1233)
main warning: late picture skipped (522637 > -1125)
main warning: late picture skipped (57704 > -1121)
main warning: late picture skipped (51204 > -1116)
main warning: late picture skipped (45123 > -1189)
main debug: auto hidding mouse
(obviously my computer is not 'too slow' as it works on other players. Tried it on several machines here. Windows 7 & Ubuntu. Approx spec of our machines is 2-8 core, 4gb-16gb, 2Ghz-3Ghz)
I've looked around the forum, and found this thread: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=50886 but that seems to be a more complex windows issue.
Here is a sample video file with the issue. Please note that the content is dull and frame rate should be 2fps but watch the timestamp to see that vlc freezes.
Download: http://www.box.net/shared/tmv4v5rprb