I developped a server for transcoding and streaming with C / C + + and I try to do an audit on a client, I use VLC to view the result of diffusion
But in the case of a video extension. avi or. flv or. wmv ...... it gives me nothing but there is no audio file (no screen, just listen to the sound of the video but the screen is not displayed)
and an error message appears to me on the client terminal:
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (Received 9 Expected 0) for PID 0
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (Received 9 Expected 0) for PID 66
So if I release a video. mp4, it appears in the screen and it worked well
I did not understand this error and I need your help