Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

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Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby DsChAeK » 01 Jul 2010 08:13

I wrote a wrapper class in delphi for LibVLC v1.1.
It's only developed for my needs and I'm sure there are missing functions and things not working,
but it may be helpful for other developers, so I decided to share it.

with regards,

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby zodiak » 20 Jul 2010 04:41

Hi DsChAeK

I'm using your wrapper and working around your bundled demo, it's very good, thanks!

I would like to stream out (http) my computer's microphone with transcoding to mp3 and I think the vlc command would be something like:

Code: Select all

vlc dshow:// :dshow-vdev= :dshow-adev=Default :sout=#transcode{vcodec=none,acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:http{mux=raw,dst=} :no-sout-rtp-sap :no-sout-standard-sap :sout-keep :sout-all :http-caching=1000
I tried adding the command to the base options on your demo, but then what do I write on the Base URL?

How would you go about implementing that command on your demo?

TIA for your help

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby DsChAeK » 20 Jul 2010 08:44

Hi zodiak,

I would try it like this:

Base URL: dshow:// :dshow-vdev= :dshow-adev=default
Base Options: :sout=#transcode{vcodec=none,acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:duplicate{dst=std{access=http,mux=raw,dst=}}

I always don't use or localhost, because it is not working for me.

with regards

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby Beardless2 » 21 Jul 2010 13:44

has anyone got some sample delphi code for vmem using the new libvlc_video_set_callbacks / libvlc_video_set_format functions in v1.1.1?

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby Beardless2 » 22 Jul 2010 18:52

Have anyone been able to receive mouse events once a video is playing? the only one that appears to fire is OnMouseActivate (i.e. not mouse down / mouse up etc). The panel does not seem to receive the WM_LBUTTONDOWN etc messages once the video is playing?

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby DsChAeK » 22 Jul 2010 19:43

you can handle this by using a mousehook
-> ... sehook.htm

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby DsChAeK » 12 Feb 2011 11:37

fixed some things and added some new features I needed

Code: Select all

// Changelog: // 06.02.2011, DsChAeK // -real stay on top // -toggle fullscreen with TFrame-object // -VLC_Stop() returns if really stopped // -set background panel for fullscreen form

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby DsChAeK » 09 Apr 2011 20:10

Code: Select all

// Changelog: // // 07.04.2011, DsChAeK // -updated version to v2.0 // -added constant arrays for mux/vcodecs/acodecs which are offered by VLC GUI // -added VLC_SetMute()/VLC_GetMute() // -removed VLC_ToggleMute() // -added VLC_SetMarquee() // // 15.02.2011, DsChAeK // -VLC_GetAudioTrackList(): get real track order and ids // ->duplicated http ts streams have random track orders // compared to the original stream!

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby BobaL » 28 Apr 2011 23:15


Thank you for your work DsChAeK.
I'm trying to run your demo but without success (Delphi 2010).
Do you have a minimalist version, just with play and stop command to try to understand how it works?


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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby BobaL » 29 Apr 2011 12:23

Here is my test project.
After the libvlc_new function Vlc_Instance stay nil... What's wrong?

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unit uPlayerVlc; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; type Plibvlc_instance_t = type Pointer; Plibvlc_media_t = type Pointer; Plibvlc_media_player_t = type Pointer; TForm1 = class(TForm) pnVideo: TPanel; Panel2: TPanel; btPlay: TButton; btStop: TButton; EditFilename: TEdit; procedure btPlayClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btStopClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); private Vlc_Dll : THandle; Vlc_Instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; Vlc_Media : Plibvlc_media_t; Vlc_Player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; function GetAProcAddress(DLLHandle: THandle; var Addr: Pointer; Name: PChar): Integer; public { Déclarations publiques } end; var Form1: TForm1; libvlc_new : function (argc : Integer; argv : PChar) : Plibvlc_instance_t; cdecl; libvlc_release : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_new_path : function (p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; path : PAnsiChar) : Plibvlc_media_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_release : procedure(p_media : Plibvlc_media_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_new_from_media : function (p_media : Plibvlc_media_t) : Plibvlc_media_player_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; drawable : Pointer); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_play : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_stop : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t); cdecl; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Vlc_Dll := LoadLibrary(PChar('libvlc.dll')); GetAProcAddress(Vlc_Dll, @libvlc_new, 'libvlc_new'); GetAProcAddress(Vlc_Dll, @libvlc_release, 'libvlc_release'); GetAProcAddress(Vlc_Dll, @libvlc_media_new_path, 'libvlc_media_new_path'); GetAProcAddress(Vlc_Dll, @libvlc_media_release, 'libvlc_media_release'); GetAProcAddress(Vlc_Dll, @libvlc_media_player_new_from_media, 'libvlc_media_player_new_from_media'); GetAProcAddress(Vlc_Dll, @libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd, 'libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd'); GetAProcAddress(Vlc_Dll, @libvlc_media_player_play, 'libvlc_media_player_play'); GetAProcAddress(Vlc_Dll, @libvlc_media_player_stop, 'libvlc_media_player_stop'); end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin libvlc_release(Vlc_Instance); FreeLibrary(Vlc_Dll); end; function TForm1.GetAProcAddress(DLLHandle: THandle; var Addr: Pointer; Name: PChar): Integer; begin Addr := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, Name); if (Addr <> nil) then Result := 0 else begin raise Exception.Create(Name); end; end; procedure TForm1.btPlayClick(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; Params : array[0..25] of PAnsiChar; begin if FileExists(EditFilename.Text) then begin for I := 0 to 25 do Params[i] := ''; Params[0] := PAnsiChar('--plugin-path=./plugins/'); Params[1] := PAnsiChar('--quiet'); Params[2] := PAnsiChar('--vout=dummy'); Params[3] := PAnsiChar('--aout=dummy'); Vlc_Instance := libvlc_new(Length(Params), @Params[0]); Vlc_Media := libvlc_media_new_path(Vlc_Instance, PAnsiChar(AnsiString(Trim(EditFilename.Text)))); Vlc_Player := libvlc_media_player_new_from_media(Vlc_Media); libvlc_media_release(Vlc_Media); libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd(Vlc_Player, Pointer(pnVideo.Handle)); libvlc_media_player_play(Vlc_Player); end; end; procedure TForm1.btStopClick(Sender: TObject); begin libvlc_media_player_stop(Vlc_Player); end; end.

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby DsChAeK » 29 Apr 2011 20:20

Well, I can't see anything wrong.
What is your problem with my demo project (I used Delphi 5!)? Maybe I can help you get it work with Delphi 2010!
To Understand play/stop etc. just have a look at VLC_Play() because this instance is only using input from VLC_Base() and the Wrapper control functions (e.g. procedure VLC_Play();...) are very self explaining.

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby BobaL » 02 May 2011 11:33

I have copied the plugins directory in my working directory and that works !
So now I'm trying to connect callback event but an exception occured... :roll:

Any exemple or suggestion ?

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procedure vlcCallBack(p_event : Plibvlc_event_t; userdata : Pointer); cdecl; begin // end; procedure TForm1.btPlayClick(Sender: TObject); var ... Pevent_manager : Plibvlc_event_manager_t; begin ... Pevent_manager := libvlc_media_player_event_manager(Vlc_Player); libvlc_event_attach(Pevent_manager, libvlc_MediaPlayerPlaying, vlcCallBack, nil); end;

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby DsChAeK » 02 May 2011 21:04

Events are not supported by my wrapper. I tried to get it work a long time ago but you may have seen, the event-codes are also out of date!

I just tried it yesterday and with some event-codes (up2date!) there are no assertions, but also nothing happens in my callback...
I also used diffrent Callbacks for my two instances in my demo project...nothing works for me.
If you find out how it works plz give me a call... :)
I checked in my current code.

Code: Select all

// 30.05.2011, DsChAeK // -added OnLogTimer() instead of VLC_AppendLastLogMsgs() // -added up2date event codes as comment // -added libvlc_test_event for testing events (not working!)

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby v4v4n » 05 May 2011 17:34

halo DsChAeK

i have just downloaded your wrapper. i'm to run the sample on delphi 2010, but it doesn't work. it point me to Pchar function when compiled.
i tried to replace the Pchar with PansiChar then it's compiled. i tried to run the sample,
and click few button (eg. open & play button) it show me error at address 0000000.

i used delphi 2010. VLC version 1.1.9

pls help me.....

thanks in advance

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby DsChAeK » 05 May 2011 20:40


"open & play" should work without problems. "Init" is using the URLs and should also working.
Well, I don't know what function is causing this error. I know, I don't handle all error cases, e.g. "Stop" causes an error, if there is no instance initialized!
I think you have to debug and look what function is the problem...maybe VLC isn't installed via installer?


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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby v4v4n » 06 May 2011 13:22

halo DsChAeK

the VLC is installed via installer. i follow your suggestion. i try to debug the open & play. i select a video file,
then when it come to procedure PrepareAndStart_Base; the application throw and exception with message "Failed Load Library"
what should i do to overcome this exception ?
have ever tried this sample on delphi 2010 ?

my VLC application runs well. i used delphi 2010. my operating system is windows 7.
pls guide me

thanks in advance

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby v4v4n » 06 May 2011 13:57

i have made it work for open&play. the problem was VLC_GetLibPath. it's return libvlc.dll path from registry with chinese character.
so when loadlibrary function called it return handle 0. so the exception raise. i just comment the loadlibrary function, and point the libvlc.dll path....
i will try another function on these sample, and tell you later about it.

can you pls tell me why the VLC_GetLibPath function the path of libvlc.dll contain losts of chinese character ?

thanks DsChAeK

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby v4v4n » 06 May 2011 15:21

halo DsChAeK

now i'm trying to make video streaming from your wrapper. i don't manage it work. i tried to play the streaming video from VLC player, but it can't.
the player said that it can not play the MRL (
i change the base option to several options, but still i can't make it work.
here is my base option :


pls help.... i really need this feature

thanks in advance

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby DsChAeK » 06 May 2011 19:31

Is this a function problem or is there a "chinese" path in your registry?

Try to use your IP instead of!


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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby v4v4n » 07 May 2011 19:06

halo dschaek

i have follow your suggestion to use my IP instead of
but still the vlc player shows error saying that it can't play the MRL i specify
can you pls check my edited sample......? i can't figure out the problem..... i have spent many many hours trying to solve this streaming feature.
now i'm stuck :(
may be you are so busy, but i have no idea someone else to ask to. it's your wrapper, and i think you are most appropriate one to ask to.
i really appreciate and respect your time.....
pls give your email or pls tell me where i can upload this file. or i just can upload it on any file sharing service.... :)

thansk in advace dschaek

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby DsChAeK » 08 May 2011 12:41

Well, in my demo there is word wrap activated in the memo control, the long MRL is cut into pieces... :)
But you have to give the complete MRL as one parameter to the vlc instance!
I fixed this, checkout the demo and try it again.

I think you tested your MRL with VLC directly, so it should work now with my demo.

Edit: I found some time to improve the demo a little bit


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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby v4v4n » 10 May 2011 18:09

i post the reply in the new topic


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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby DsChAeK » 02 Jul 2011 00:52

Checked in v2.2!
Events are working now, got the essential hint from Jurassic Pork, thx again!

Code: Select all

// 02.07.2011, DsChAeK, v2.2 // -events are working now!(thx to Jurassic Pork) // -> all events are registered to FCallback // -> you can use FUserdata if needed (not tested by me) // -> updated event records/types/constants // -> added VLC_GetEventString() // -removed property: Fullscreen -> IsFullscreen already exists // -added a few more comments

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby Wal » 11 Nov 2011 20:13

Here the Unit for 32/64bit Windows, Option is working jet.

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// ############################################################################################## // Author: DsChAeK // URL: // Projekt: uTLibVLC // Lizenz: Freeware // Version: 2.2 // // Aufgabe: Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1 (or higher) // // Info: based on some code from TheUnknownOnes (good work!) // // Lizenz: Copyright (c) 2009, DsChAeK // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose // with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice // and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH // REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND // FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, // OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, // DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS // ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. // // ############################################################################################## // // Changelog: // 02.07.2011, DsChAeK, v2.2 // -events are working now!(thx to Jurassic Pork) // -> all events are registered to FCallback // -> you can use FUserdata if needed (not tested by me) // -> updated event records/types/constants // -> added VLC_GetEventString() // -removed property: Fullscreen -> IsFullscreen already exists // -added a few more comments // // 30.05.2011, DsChAeK, v2.1 // -added OnLogTimer() instead of VLC_AppendLastLogMsgs() // -added up2date event codes as comment // -added libvlc_test_event for testing events (not working!) // // 07.04.2011, DsChAeK, v2.0 // -added constant arrays for mux/vcodecs/acodecs which are offered by VLC GUI // -added VLC_SetMute()/VLC_GetMute() // -removed VLC_ToggleMute() // -added VLC_SetMarquee() // // 15.02.2011, DsChAeK // -VLC_GetAudioTrackList(): get real track order and ids // ->duplicated http ts streams have random track orders // compared to the original stream! -> VLC BUG // // 06.02.2011, DsChAeK // -real stay on top // -toggle fullscreen with TFrame-object // -VLC_Stop() returns if really stopped // -set background panel for fullscreen form // // 30.10.2010, DsChAeK // -fixed fullscreen toggle with multi-monitor // // 24.10.2010, DsChAeK // -if one instance toggled to fullscreen and another wants to switch back // it needs to know some parameters which I made public. // handling between instances is on your side. // -disabled events, new version crashes again... :) // // 24.08.2010, DsChAeK // -added adjust video functions // -new functions -> VLC_PlayMedia()/VLC_StopMedia() // -enabled events, no crash anymore, but it's still not working // // 01.06.2010, DsChAeK // -adaptions for LibVLC v1.1 // -replaced ILibVLC through TLibVLC, each object loads its own libvlc.dll! // ->not so many locations to adapt if a function changes // ->libvlc functions and own functions like e.g. VLC_Play() are handled in one class // -support of registered/custom vlc path, no need to copy vlc files into the app folder // -removed version check // -libvlc_vprinterr/libvlc_printerr not implemented, delphi don't handle var_args by default and no need // -fullscreen toggle through own TForm, no vlc window to handle // (since libVLC 1.1 you have to handle this by yourself, there are als no vlc hotkeys in fullscreen anymore!) // // ############################################################################################## // // TODO: -events are not working // // ############################################################################################## {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} unit uTLibVLC; interface uses sysUtils, windows, controls, classes, extctrls, forms; const ChrCRLF = #13#10; // MUX (Name + Mux + FileExtension) MAX_FORMAT_MUX = 13; MUX_NameMuxExt : array[0..12, 0..2] of String = ( ('MPEG-TS','ts','.ts'), ('MPEG-PS','ps','.ps'), ('MPEG1','mpeg1','.mpeg1'), ('ASF/WMV','asf','.asf'), ('WEBM','webm','.webm'), ('MJPEG','mpjpeg','.mjpeg'), ('MKV','mkv','.mkv'), ('OGG/OGM','ogg','.ogm'), ('WAV','wav','.wav'), ('MP3','raw','.mp3'), ('MP4/MOV','mp4','.mp4'), ('FLV','flv','.flv'), ('AVI','avi','.avi') ); // VIDEO CODEC (Name + Codec) MAX_FORMAT_VCODEC = 14; VCODEC_NameCodec : array[0..13, 0..1] of String = ( ('MPEG-1','mp1v'), ('MPEG-2','mp2v'), ('MPEG-4','mp4v'), ('DIVX 1','DIV1'), ('DIVX 2','DIV2'), ('DIVX 3','DIV3'), ('H-263','H263'), ('H-264','h264'), ('VP8','VP80'), ('WMV1','WMV1'), ('WMV2','WMV2'), ('M-JPEG','MJPG'), ('Theora','theo'), ('Dirac','drac') ); // AUDIO CODEC (Name + Codec) MAX_FORMAT_ACODEC = 9; ACODEC_NameCodec : array[0..8, 0..1] of String = ( ('MPEG Audio','mpga'), ('MP3','mp3'), ('MPEG 4 Audio (AAC)','mp4v'), ('A52/AC-3','a52'), ('Vorbis','vorb'), ('Flac','flac'), ('Speex','spx'), ('WAV','s16l'), ('WMA2','wma2') ); type Plibvlc_instance_t = type Pointer; libvlc_time_t = Int64; libvlc_playlist_item_t = record i_id : Integer; psz_uri : PAnsiChar; psz_name : PAnsiChar; end; Plibvlc_playlist_item_t = ^libvlc_playlist_item_t; Plibvlc_log_t = type Pointer; Plibvlc_log_iterator_t = type Pointer; libvlc_log_message_t = record sizeof_msg : Cardinal; // sizeof() of message structure, must be filled in by user i_severity : Integer; // 0=INFO, 1=ERR, 2=WARN, 3=DBG psz_type, // module type psz_name, // module name psz_header, // optional header psz_message : PAnsiChar; // message end; Plibvlc_log_message_t = ^libvlc_log_message_t; Plibvlc_event_manager_t = type Pointer; type libvlc_event_type_t = Integer; const libvlc_MediaMetaChanged = $0; libvlc_MediaSubItemAdded = $1; libvlc_MediaDurationChanged = $2; libvlc_MediaParsedChanged = $3; libvlc_MediaFreed = $4; libvlc_MediaStateChanged = $5; libvlc_MediaPlayerMediaChanged = $100; libvlc_MediaPlayerNothingSpecial = $101; libvlc_MediaPlayerOpening = $102; libvlc_MediaPlayerBuffering = $103; libvlc_MediaPlayerPlaying = $104; libvlc_MediaPlayerPaused = $105; libvlc_MediaPlayerStopped = $106; libvlc_MediaPlayerForward = $107; libvlc_MediaPlayerBackward = $108; libvlc_MediaPlayerEndReached = $109; libvlc_MediaPlayerEncounteredError = $110; libvlc_MediaPlayerTimeChanged = $111; libvlc_MediaPlayerPositionChanged = $112; libvlc_MediaPlayerSeekableChanged = $113; libvlc_MediaPlayerPausableChanged = $114; libvlc_MediaPlayerTitleChanged = $115; libvlc_MediaPlayerSnapshotTaken = $116; libvlc_MediaPlayerLengthChanged = $117; libvlc_MediaListItemAdded = $200; libvlc_MediaListWillAddItem = $201; libvlc_MediaListItemDeleted = $202; libvlc_MediaListWillDeleteItem = $203; libvlc_MediaListViewItemAdded = $300; libvlc_MediaListViewWillAddItem = $301; libvlc_MediaListViewItemDeleted = $302; libvlc_MediaListViewWillDeleteItem = $303; libvlc_MediaListPlayerPlayed = $400; libvlc_MediaListPlayerNextItemSet = $401; libvlc_MediaListPlayerStopped = $402; libvlc_MediaDiscovererStarted = $500; libvlc_MediaDiscovererEnded = $501; libvlc_VlmMediaAdded = $600; libvlc_VlmMediaRemoved = $601; libvlc_VlmMediaChanged = $602; libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStarted = $603; libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStopped = $604; libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusInit = $605; libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusOpening = $606; libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusPlaying = $607; libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusPause = $608; libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusEnd = $609; libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusError = $610; const libvlc_events : array[0..47] of Integer = ( libvlc_MediaMetaChanged , libvlc_MediaSubItemAdded , libvlc_MediaDurationChanged , libvlc_MediaParsedChanged , libvlc_MediaFreed , libvlc_MediaStateChanged , libvlc_MediaPlayerMediaChanged , libvlc_MediaPlayerNothingSpecial , libvlc_MediaPlayerOpening , libvlc_MediaPlayerBuffering , libvlc_MediaPlayerPlaying , libvlc_MediaPlayerPaused , libvlc_MediaPlayerStopped , libvlc_MediaPlayerForward , libvlc_MediaPlayerBackward , libvlc_MediaPlayerEndReached , libvlc_MediaPlayerEncounteredError , libvlc_MediaPlayerTimeChanged , libvlc_MediaPlayerPositionChanged , libvlc_MediaPlayerSeekableChanged , libvlc_MediaPlayerPausableChanged , libvlc_MediaPlayerTitleChanged , libvlc_MediaPlayerSnapshotTaken , libvlc_MediaPlayerLengthChanged , libvlc_MediaListItemAdded , libvlc_MediaListWillAddItem , libvlc_MediaListItemDeleted , libvlc_MediaListWillDeleteItem , libvlc_MediaListViewItemAdded , libvlc_MediaListViewWillAddItem , libvlc_MediaListViewItemDeleted , libvlc_MediaListViewWillDeleteItem , libvlc_MediaListPlayerPlayed , libvlc_MediaListPlayerNextItemSet , libvlc_MediaListPlayerStopped , libvlc_MediaDiscovererStarted , libvlc_MediaDiscovererEnded , libvlc_VlmMediaAdded , libvlc_VlmMediaRemoved , libvlc_VlmMediaChanged , libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStarted , libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStopped , libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusInit , libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusOpening , libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusPlaying , libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusPause , libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusEnd , libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusError ); libvlc_events_text : array[0..47] of String = ( 'libvlc_MediaMetaChanged' , 'libvlc_MediaSubItemAdded' , 'libvlc_MediaDurationChanged' , 'libvlc_MediaParsedChanged' , 'libvlc_MediaFreed' , 'libvlc_MediaStateChanged' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerMediaChanged' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerNothingSpecial' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerOpening' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerBuffering' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerPlaying' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerPaused' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerStopped' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerForward' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerBackward' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerEndReached' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerEncounteredError' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerTimeChanged' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerPositionChanged' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerSeekableChanged' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerPausableChanged' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerTitleChanged' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerSnapshotTaken' , 'libvlc_MediaPlayerLengthChanged' , 'libvlc_MediaListItemAdded' , 'libvlc_MediaListWillAddItem' , 'libvlc_MediaListItemDeleted' , 'libvlc_MediaListWillDeleteItem' , 'libvlc_MediaListViewItemAdded' , 'libvlc_MediaListViewWillAddItem' , 'libvlc_MediaListViewItemDeleted' , 'libvlc_MediaListViewWillDeleteItem' , 'libvlc_MediaListPlayerPlayed' , 'libvlc_MediaListPlayerNextItemSet' , 'libvlc_MediaListPlayerStopped' , 'libvlc_MediaDiscovererStarted' , 'libvlc_MediaDiscovererEnded' , 'libvlc_VlmMediaAdded' , 'libvlc_VlmMediaRemoved' , 'libvlc_VlmMediaChanged' , 'libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStarted' , 'libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStopped' , 'libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusInit' , 'libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusOpening' , 'libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusPlaying' , 'libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusPause' , 'libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusEnd' , 'libvlc_VlmMediaInstanceStatusError' ); type Plibvlc_media_t = type Pointer; libvlc_meta_t = (libvlc_meta_Title, libvlc_meta_Artist, libvlc_meta_Genre, libvlc_meta_Copyright, libvlc_meta_Album, libvlc_meta_TrackNumber, libvlc_meta_Description, libvlc_meta_Rating, libvlc_meta_Date, libvlc_meta_Setting, libvlc_meta_URL, libvlc_meta_Language, libvlc_meta_NowPlaying, libvlc_meta_Publisher, libvlc_meta_EncodedBy, libvlc_meta_ArtworkURL, libvlc_meta_TrackID); libvlc_state_t = (libvlc_NothingSpecial, libvlc_Opening, libvlc_Buffering, libvlc_Playing, libvlc_Paused, libvlc_Stopped, libvlc_Ended, libvlc_Error); const libvlc_media_option_trusted = $2; libvlc_media_option_unique = $100; type libvlc_video_marquee_option_t = ( libvlc_marquee_Enabled, libvlc_marquee_Text, libvlc_marquee_Color, libvlc_marquee_Opacity, libvlc_marquee_Position, libvlc_marquee_Refresh, libvlc_marquee_Size, libvlc_marquee_Timeout, libvlc_marquee_X, libvlc_marquee_Y ); libvlc_video_logo_option_t = ( libvlc_logo_enable, libvlc_logo_file, libvlc_logo_x, libvlc_logo_y, libvlc_logo_delay, libvlc_logo_repeat, libvlc_logo_opacity, libvlc_logo_position ); libvlc_video_adjust_option_t = ( libvlc_adjust_Enable , libvlc_adjust_Contrast, libvlc_adjust_Brightness, libvlc_adjust_Hue, libvlc_adjust_Saturation, libvlc_adjust_Gamma ); libvlc_playback_mode_t = ( libvlc_playback_mode_default, libvlc_playback_mode_loop, libvlc_playback_mode_repeat ); type libvlc_track_type_t = Integer; const libvlc_track_unknown = -1; libvlc_track_audio = 0; libvlc_track_video = 1; libvlc_track_text = 2; type libvlc_media_stats_t = record i_read_bytes : Integer; f_input_bitrate : Single; i_demux_read_bytes : Integer; f_demux_bitrate : Single; i_demux_corrupted : Integer; i_demux_discontinuity : Integer; i_decoded_video : Integer; i_decoded_audio : Integer; i_displayed_pictures : Integer; i_lost_pictures : Integer; i_played_abuffers : Integer; i_lost_abuffers : Integer; i_sent_packets : Integer; i_sent_bytes : Integer; f_send_bitrate : Single; end; Plibvlc_media_stats_t = ^libvlc_media_stats_t; type Plibvlc_media_list_t = type Pointer; Plibvlc_media_library_t = type Pointer; Plibvlc_media_player_t = type Pointer; Plibvlc_track_description_t = ^libvlc_track_description_t; libvlc_track_description_t = record i_id : Integer; psz_name : PAnsiChar; p_next : Plibvlc_track_description_t; end; Plibvlc_audio_output_t = ^libvlc_audio_output_t; libvlc_audio_output_t = record psz_name : PAnsiChar; pst_description : PAnsiChar; p_next : Plibvlc_audio_output_t; end; libvlc_rectangle_t = record top, left, bottom, right : Integer; end; Plibvlc_rectangle_t = ^libvlc_rectangle_t; type libvlc_audio_output_device_types_t = Integer; const libvlc_AudioOutputDevice_Error = -1; libvlc_AudioOutputDevice_Mono = 1; libvlc_AudioOutputDevice_Stereo = 2; libvlc_AudioOutputDevice_2F2R = 4; libvlc_AudioOutputDevice_3F2R = 5; libvlc_AudioOutputDevice_5_1 = 6; libvlc_AudioOutputDevice_6_1 = 7; libvlc_AudioOutputDevice_7_1 = 8; libvlc_AudioOutputDevice_SPDIF = 10; type libvlc_audio_output_channel_t = Integer; const libvlc_AudioChannel_Error = -1; libvlc_AudioChannel_Stereo = 1; libvlc_AudioChannel_RStereo = 2; libvlc_AudioChannel_Left = 3; libvlc_AudioChannel_Right = 4; libvlc_AudioChannel_Dolbys = 5; type Plibvlc_media_list_player_t = type Pointer; Tmedia_meta_changed = record meta_type : libvlc_meta_t; end; Tmedia_subitem_added = record new_child : Plibvlc_media_t; end; Tmedia_duration_changed = record new_duration : Int64; end; Tmedia_preparsed_changed = record new_status : Integer; end; Tmedia_freed = record md : Plibvlc_media_t; end; Tmedia_state_changed = record new_state : libvlc_state_t; end; Tmedia_player_buffering = record new_cache : Single; end; Tmedia_player_position_changed = record new_position : Single; end; Tmedia_player_time_changed = record new_time : libvlc_time_t; end; Tmedia_player_title_changed = record new_title : Integer; end; Tmedia_player_seekable_changed = record new_seekable : Int64; end; Tmedia_player_pausable_changed = record new_pausable : Int64; end; Tmedia_list_item_added = record item : Plibvlc_media_t; index : Integer; end; Tmedia_list_will_add_item = record item : Plibvlc_media_t; index : Integer; end; Tmedia_list_item_deleted = record item : Plibvlc_media_t; index : Integer; end; Tmedia_list_will_delete_item = record item : Plibvlc_media_t; index : Integer; end; Tmedia_list_player_next_item_set = record item : Plibvlc_media_t; end; Tmedia_player_snapshot_taken = record psz_filename : PAnsiChar; end; Tmedia_list_view_item_added = record item : Plibvlc_media_t; index : Integer; end; Tmedia_list_view_will_add_item = record item : Plibvlc_media_t; index : Integer; end; Tmedia_list_view_item_deleted = record item : Plibvlc_media_t; index : Integer; end; Tmedia_list_view_will_delete_item = record item : Plibvlc_media_t; index : Integer; end; Tmedia_player_length_changed = record new_length : libvlc_time_t; end; Tvlm_media_event = record psz_media_name : PAnsiChar; psz_instance_name : PAnsiChar; end; Tmedia_player_media_changed = record new_media : Plibvlc_media_t; end; libvlc_event_t = record _type : libvlc_event_type_t; p_obj : Pointer; case Integer of 0 : (media_meta_changed : Tmedia_meta_changed); 1 : (media_subitem_added : Tmedia_subitem_added); 2 : (media_duration_changed : Tmedia_duration_changed); 3 : (media_preparsed_changed : Tmedia_preparsed_changed); 4 : (media_freed : Tmedia_freed); 5 : (media_state_changed : Tmedia_state_changed); 6 : (media_player_buffering : Tmedia_player_buffering); 7 : (media_player_position_changed : Tmedia_player_position_changed); 8 : (media_player_time_changed : Tmedia_player_time_changed); 9 : (media_player_title_changed : Tmedia_player_title_changed); 10: (media_player_seekable_changed : Tmedia_player_seekable_changed); 11: (media_player_pausable_changed : Tmedia_player_pausable_changed); 12: (media_list_item_added : Tmedia_list_item_added); 13: (media_list_will_add_item : Tmedia_list_will_add_item); 14: (media_list_item_deleted : Tmedia_list_item_deleted); 15: (media_list_will_delete_item : Tmedia_list_will_delete_item); 16: (media_list_player_next_item_set : Tmedia_list_player_next_item_set); 17: (media_player_snapshot_taken : Tmedia_player_snapshot_taken); 18: (media_player_length_changed : Tmedia_player_length_changed); 19: (vlm_media_event : Tvlm_media_event); 20: (media_player_media_changed : Tmedia_player_media_changed); end; Plibvlc_event_t = ^libvlc_event_t; libvlc_callback_t = procedure(p_event : Pointer; userdata : Pointer); cdecl; Plibvlc_media_discoverer_t = type Pointer; type // form for fullscreen display TFormFS = class(TForm) procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);override; end; type // log event TLogEvent = procedure(const log_message: libvlc_log_message_t) of object; type // main class TLibVLC = class(TObject) private FName : String; // name for instance FVersion : String; // version as string FDllHandle : Integer; // dll handle FLib : Plibvlc_instance_t; // libvlc instance FLastError : Integer; // last error FLog : Plibvlc_log_t; // log FLogTimer : TTimer; // log timer FLogEvent : TLogEvent; // log event FPlayer : Plibvlc_media_player_t; // media_player FMedia : Plibvlc_media_t; // media FMediaURL : String; // media url FMediaOpt : TStringList; // media options FStats : libvlc_media_stats_t; // stats FPnlOutput : TPanel; // panel for video output FFormFS : TFormFS; // form for video fullscreen display FFullscreen : Boolean; // true=fullscreen false=window FOldPanTop : Integer; // orig panel pos FOldPanLeft : Integer; // orig panel pos FOldPanHeight : Integer; // orig panel pos FOldPanWidth : Integer; // orig panel pos FCallback : Pointer; // callback pointer for events FUserdata : Pointer; // pointer for events userdata FBackground : TPanel; // background for fullscreen mode FBackgroundParent : TWinControl; // parent from background panel // internal functions function GetAProcAddress( var Addr : Pointer; Name : PChar) : Integer; procedure LoadFunctions; function SetAParent(hWndChild, hWndNewParent: HWND; NewParentWidth, NewParentHeight: integer): boolean; procedure OnLogTimer(Sender: TObject); public // public functions constructor Create(InstName, DLL : String; Params : array of PAnsiChar; LogLevel : Integer; PnlOutput : TPanel; Callback, Userdata : Pointer); overload; destructor Destroy(); override; function VLC_GetLibPath : String; function VLC_GetVersion() : String; procedure VLC_PlayMedia(MediaURL: String; MediaOptions : TStringList; Panel : TPanel); procedure VLC_StopMedia(); procedure VLC_Play(); procedure VLC_Stop(); procedure VLC_Pause(); function VLC_IsPlaying(): Boolean; procedure VLC_TakeSnapshot(Path : String; width, height : Integer); procedure VLC_SetDeinterlaceMode(Mode : String); procedure VLC_SetCropMode(Mode : String); procedure VLC_SetARMode(Mode : String); procedure VLC_ToggleFullscreen(Panel : TPanel; Background: TPanel);overload;virtual; procedure VLC_ToggleFullscreen(Frame : TFrame; Background: TPanel);overload; procedure VLC_SetAudioTrack(iTrack : Integer); function VLC_GetAudioTrack() : Integer; function VLC_GetAudioTrackList() : String; procedure VLC_SetMute(Activate : Boolean); function VLC_GetMute() : Boolean; procedure VLC_SetVolume(Level : Integer); function VLC_GetVolume() : Integer; function VLC_GetStats() : libvlc_media_stats_t; function VLC_GetEventString(event : libvlc_event_t): String; procedure VLC_AdjustVideo(Contrast: Double; Brightness : Double; Hue : Integer; Saturation : Double; Gamma : Double); procedure VLC_ResetVideo(); procedure VLC_SetMarquee(Text : String; Color, Opac, Pos, Refresh, Size, Timeout, X, Y : Integer); procedure VLC_SetLogo(LogoFile : string); // properties property OldPanTop : Integer read FOldPanTop write FOldPanTop; // video panel top before fullscreen property OldPanLeft : Integer read FOldPanLeft write FOldPanLeft; // video panel left before fullscreen property OldPanHeight: Integer read FOldPanHeight write FOldPanHeight; // video panel height before fullscreen property OldPanWidth : Integer read FOldPanWidth write FOldPanWidth; // video panel width before fullscreen property PnlOutput : TPanel read FPnlOutput write FPnlOutput; // video panel property FormFS : TFormFS read FFormFS write FFormFS; // fullscreen form property IsFullscreen : Boolean read FFullscreen write FFullscreen; // fullscreen indicator property OnLog: TLogEvent read FLogEvent write FLogEvent; // logging callback function property MediaURL: String read FMediaURL; // current media url property Version: String read FVersion; // vlc version public // libvlc functions libvlc_playlist_play : procedure (p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; i_id : Integer; i_options : Integer; ppsz_options : PAnsiChar); cdecl; libvlc_errmsg : function () : PAnsiChar; cdecl; libvlc_clearerr : procedure (); cdecl; libvlc_new : function(argc : Integer; argv : PChar) : Plibvlc_instance_t; cdecl; libvlc_release : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t); cdecl; libvlc_retain : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t); cdecl; libvlc_add_intf : procedure(p_instalce : Plibvlc_instance_t; name : PAnsiChar); cdecl; libvlc_wait : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t); cdecl; libvlc_get_version : function() : PAnsiChar; cdecl; libvlc_get_compiler : function() : PAnsiChar; cdecl; libvlc_get_changeset : function() : PAnsiChar; cdecl; libvlc_event_attach : procedure(p_event_manager : Plibvlc_event_manager_t; event_type : libvlc_event_type_t; f_callback : libvlc_callback_t; userdata : Pointer); cdecl; libvlc_event_detach : procedure(p_event_manager : Plibvlc_event_manager_t; event_type : libvlc_event_type_t; f_callback : libvlc_callback_t; userdata : Pointer); cdecl; libvlc_event_type_name : function(event_type : libvlc_event_type_t) : PAnsiChar; cdecl; libvlc_get_log_verbosity : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t) : Cardinal; cdecl; libvlc_set_log_verbosity : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; level : Cardinal); cdecl; libvlc_log_open : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t) : Plibvlc_log_t; cdecl; libvlc_log_close : procedure(p_log : Plibvlc_log_t); cdecl; libvlc_log_count : function(p_log : Plibvlc_log_t) : Cardinal; cdecl; libvlc_log_clear : procedure(p_log : Plibvlc_log_t); cdecl; libvlc_log_get_iterator : function(p_log : Plibvlc_log_t) : Plibvlc_log_iterator_t; cdecl; libvlc_log_iterator_free : procedure(p_iter : Plibvlc_log_iterator_t); cdecl; libvlc_log_iterator_has_next : function(p_iter : Plibvlc_log_iterator_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_log_iterator_next : function(p_iter : Plibvlc_log_iterator_t; p_buffer : Plibvlc_log_message_t) : Plibvlc_log_message_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_new_location : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_mrl : PAnsiChar) : Plibvlc_media_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_new_path : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; path : PAnsiChar) : Plibvlc_media_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_new_as_node : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar) : Plibvlc_media_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_add_option : procedure(p_media : Plibvlc_media_t; ppsz_options : PAnsiChar); cdecl; libvlc_media_retain : procedure(p_media : Plibvlc_media_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_release : procedure(p_media : Plibvlc_media_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_get_mrl : function(p_media : Plibvlc_media_t) : PAnsiChar; cdecl; libvlc_media_duplicate : function(p_media : Plibvlc_media_t) : Plibvlc_media_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_get_meta : function(p_media : Plibvlc_media_t; e_meta : libvlc_meta_t) : PAnsiChar; cdecl; libvlc_media_get_state : function(p_media : Plibvlc_media_t) : libvlc_state_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_get_stats : function (p_media : Plibvlc_media_t; p_stats : Plibvlc_media_stats_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_media_subitems : function(p_media : Plibvlc_media_t) : Plibvlc_media_list_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_event_manager : function(p_media : Plibvlc_media_t) : Plibvlc_event_manager_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_get_duration : function(p_media : Plibvlc_media_t) : libvlc_time_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_parse : procedure(p_media : Plibvlc_media_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_parse_async : procedure(p_media : Plibvlc_media_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_is_parsed : procedure(p_media : Plibvlc_media_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_set_user_data : procedure(p_media : Plibvlc_media_t; p_new_user_data : Pointer); cdecl; libvlc_media_get_user_data : function(p_media : Plibvlc_media_t) : Pointer; cdecl; libvlc_media_list_new : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t) : Plibvlc_media_list_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_list_release : procedure(p_media_list : Plibvlc_media_list_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_list_retain : procedure(p_media_list : Plibvlc_media_list_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_list_set_media : procedure(p_media_list : Plibvlc_media_list_t; p_media : Plibvlc_media_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_list_media : function(p_media_list : Plibvlc_media_list_t) : Plibvlc_media_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_list_add_media : procedure(p_media_list : Plibvlc_media_list_t; p_media : Plibvlc_media_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_list_insert_media : procedure(p_media_list : Plibvlc_media_list_t; p_media : Plibvlc_media_t; index : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_media_list_remove_index : procedure(p_media_list : Plibvlc_media_list_t; index : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_media_list_count : function(p_media_list : Plibvlc_media_list_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_media_list_item_at_index : function(p_media_list : Plibvlc_media_list_t; index : Integer) : Plibvlc_media_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_list_index_of_item : function(p_media_list : Plibvlc_media_list_t; p_media : Plibvlc_media_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_media_list_is_readonly : function(p_media_list : Plibvlc_media_list_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_media_list_lock : procedure(p_media_list : Plibvlc_media_list_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_list_unlock : procedure(p_media_list : Plibvlc_media_list_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_list_event_manager : function(p_media_list : Plibvlc_media_list_t) : Plibvlc_event_manager_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_library_new : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t) : Plibvlc_media_library_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_library_release : procedure(p_mlib : Plibvlc_media_library_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_library_retain : procedure(p_mlib : Plibvlc_media_library_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_library_load : procedure(p_mlib : Plibvlc_media_library_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_library_media_list : function(p_mlib : Plibvlc_media_library_t) : Plibvlc_media_list_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_new : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t) : Plibvlc_media_player_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_new_from_media : function(p_media : Plibvlc_media_t) : Plibvlc_media_player_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_release : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_retain : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_set_media : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; p_media : Plibvlc_media_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_get_media : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Plibvlc_media_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_event_manager : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Plibvlc_event_manager_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_is_playing : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_play : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_pause : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_stop : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_set_nsobject : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; drawable : Pointer); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_get_nsobject : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Pointer; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_set_agl : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; drawable : Cardinal); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_get_agl : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Cardinal; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_set_xwindow : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; drawable : Cardinal); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_get_xwindow : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Cardinal; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; drawable : Pointer); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_get_hwnd : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Pointer; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_get_length : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : libvlc_time_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_get_time : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : libvlc_time_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_set_time : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; time : libvlc_time_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_get_position : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Single; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_set_position : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; position : Single); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_set_chapter : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; chapter : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_get_chapter : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_get_chapter_count : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_will_play : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_get_chapter_count_for_title : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; title : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_set_title : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; title : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_get_title : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_get_title_count : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_previous_chapter : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_next_chapter : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_get_rate : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Single; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_set_rate : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; rate : Single); cdecl; libvlc_media_player_get_state : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : libvlc_state_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_get_fps : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Single; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_has_vout : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_is_seekable : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_media_player_can_pause : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_track_description_release : procedure(p_track_description : Plibvlc_track_description_t); cdecl; libvlc_toggle_fullscreen : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t); cdecl; libvlc_set_fullscreen : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; enabled : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_get_fullscreen : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_video_set_deinterlace : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; psz_mode : PChar); cdecl; libvlc_video_get_marquee_int: function(p_mi: Plibvlc_media_player_t; option: libvlc_video_marquee_option_t): Integer; cdecl; libvlc_video_get_marquee_string: function(p_mi: Plibvlc_media_player_t; option: libvlc_video_marquee_option_t): PAnsiChar; cdecl; libvlc_video_set_marquee_int: procedure(p_mi: Plibvlc_media_player_t; option: libvlc_video_marquee_option_t; i_val: Integer); cdecl; libvlc_video_set_marquee_string: procedure(p_mi: Plibvlc_media_player_t; option: libvlc_video_marquee_option_t; psz_text: PAnsiChar); cdecl; libvlc_video_get_logo_int: function(p_mi: Plibvlc_media_player_t; option: libvlc_video_logo_option_t): Integer; cdecl; libvlc_video_set_logo_int: procedure(p_mi: Plibvlc_media_player_t; option: libvlc_video_logo_option_t; value: Integer); cdecl; libvlc_video_set_logo_string: procedure(p_mi: Plibvlc_media_player_t; option: libvlc_video_logo_option_t; psz_value: PAnsiChar); cdecl; libvlc_video_get_adjust_int: function(p_mi: Plibvlc_media_player_t; option: libvlc_video_adjust_option_t): Integer; cdecl; libvlc_video_set_adjust_int: procedure(p_mi: Plibvlc_media_player_t; option: libvlc_video_adjust_option_t; value: Integer); cdecl; libvlc_video_get_adjust_float: function(p_mi: Plibvlc_media_player_t; option: libvlc_video_adjust_option_t): Single; cdecl; libvlc_video_set_adjust_float: procedure(p_mi: Plibvlc_media_player_t; option: libvlc_video_adjust_option_t; value: Single); cdecl; libvlc_video_set_key_input : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; Activate : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_video_set_mouse_input : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; Activate : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_video_get_size : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; var num : Integer; var px : Integer; var py : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_video_get_cursor : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; var num : Integer; var px : Integer; var py : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_video_get_height : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_video_get_width : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_video_get_scale : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Single; cdecl; libvlc_video_set_scale : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; scale : Single); cdecl; libvlc_video_get_aspect_ratio : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : PAnsiChar; cdecl; libvlc_video_set_aspect_ratio : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; psz_aspect : PAnsiChar); cdecl; libvlc_video_get_spu : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_video_get_spu_count : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_video_get_spu_description : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Plibvlc_track_description_t; cdecl; libvlc_video_set_spu : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; i_spu : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_video_set_subtitle_file : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; filename : PAnsiChar) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_video_get_title_description : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Plibvlc_track_description_t; cdecl; libvlc_video_get_chapter_description : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; title : Integer) : Plibvlc_track_description_t; cdecl; libvlc_video_get_crop_geometry : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : PAnsiChar; cdecl; libvlc_video_set_crop_geometry : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; geometry : PAnsiChar); cdecl; libvlc_toggle_teletext : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t); cdecl; libvlc_video_get_teletext : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_video_set_teletext : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; page : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_video_get_track_count : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_video_get_track_description : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Plibvlc_track_description_t; cdecl; libvlc_video_get_track : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_video_set_track : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; track : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_video_take_snapshot : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; num : Integer; filepath : PAnsiChar; width, height : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_audio_output_list_get : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t) : Plibvlc_audio_output_t; cdecl; libvlc_audio_output_list_release : procedure(audio_output_list : Plibvlc_audio_output_t); cdecl; libvlc_audio_output_set : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; psz_audio_output : PAnsiChar) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_audio_output_device_count : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_audio_output : PAnsiChar) : Integer; cdecl;

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Re: Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Postby Wal » 11 Nov 2011 20:14


Code: Select all

libvlc_audio_output_device_longname : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_audio_output : PAnsiChar; device : Integer) : PAnsiChar; cdecl; libvlc_audio_output_device_id : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_audio_output : PAnsiChar; device : Integer) : PAnsiChar; cdecl; libvlc_audio_output_device_set : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; psz_audio_output : PAnsiChar; device : PAnsiChar); cdecl; libvlc_audio_output_get_device_type : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_audio_output_set_device_type : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; device_type : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_audio_toggle_mute : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t); cdecl; libvlc_audio_get_mute : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_audio_set_mute : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; status : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_audio_get_volume : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_audio_set_volume : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; volume : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_audio_get_track_count : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_audio_get_track_description : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Plibvlc_track_description_t; cdecl; libvlc_audio_get_track : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_audio_set_track : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; i_track : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_audio_get_channel : function(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_audio_set_channel : procedure(p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t; channel : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_media_list_player_new : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t) : Plibvlc_media_list_player_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_list_player_release : procedure(p_mlp : Plibvlc_media_list_player_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_list_player_set_media_player : procedure(p_mlp : Plibvlc_media_list_player_t; p_media_player : Plibvlc_media_player_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_list_player_set_media_list : procedure(p_mlp : Plibvlc_media_list_player_t; p_media_list : Plibvlc_media_list_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_list_player_play : procedure(p_mlp : Plibvlc_media_list_player_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_list_player_pause : procedure(p_mlp : Plibvlc_media_list_player_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_list_player_is_playing : function(p_mlp : Plibvlc_media_list_player_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_media_list_player_get_state : function(p_mlp : Plibvlc_media_list_player_t) : libvlc_state_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_list_player_play_item_at_index : procedure(p_mlp : Plibvlc_media_list_player_t; i_index : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_media_list_player_play_item : procedure(p_mlp : Plibvlc_media_list_player_t; p_media : Plibvlc_media_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_list_player_stop : procedure(p_mlp : Plibvlc_media_list_player_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_list_player_next : procedure(p_mlp : Plibvlc_media_list_player_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_discoverer_new_from_name : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar) : Plibvlc_media_discoverer_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_discoverer_release : procedure(p_mdis : Plibvlc_media_discoverer_t); cdecl; libvlc_media_discoverer_localized_name : function(p_mdis : Plibvlc_media_discoverer_t) : PAnsiChar; cdecl; libvlc_media_discoverer_media_list : function(p_mdis : Plibvlc_media_discoverer_t) : Plibvlc_media_list_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_discoverer_event_manager : function(p_mdis : Plibvlc_media_discoverer_t) : Plibvlc_event_manager_t; cdecl; libvlc_media_discoverer_is_running : function(p_mdis : Plibvlc_media_discoverer_t) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_vlm_release : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t); cdecl; libvlc_vlm_add_broadcast : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name, psz_input, psz_output : PAnsiChar; options : Integer; ppsz_options : Pointer; b_enabled : Integer; b_loop : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_vlm_add_vod : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name, psz_input : PAnsiChar; i_options : Integer; ppsz_options : Pointer; b_enabled : Integer; psz_mux : PAnsiChar); cdecl; libvlc_vlm_del_media : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar); cdecl; libvlc_vlm_set_enabled : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar; b_enabled : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_vlm_set_output : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar; psz_output : PAnsiChar); cdecl; libvlc_vlm_set_input : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar; psz_input : PAnsiChar); cdecl; libvlc_vlm_add_input : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar; pst_input : PAnsiChar); cdecl; libvlc_vlm_set_loop : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar; b_loop : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_vlm_set_mux : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar; psz_mux : PAnsiChar); cdecl; libvlc_vlm_change_media : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name, psz_input, psz_output : PAnsiChar; i_options : Integer; ppsz_options : Pointer; b_enabled : Integer; b_loop : Integer); cdecl; libvlc_vlm_play_media : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar); cdecl; libvlc_vlm_stop_media : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar); cdecl; libvlc_vlm_pause_media : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar); cdecl; libvlc_vlm_seek_media : procedure(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar; f_percentage : Single); cdecl; libvlc_vlm_show_media : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar) : PAnsiChar; cdecl; libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_position : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar; i_instance : Integer) : Single; cdecl; libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_time : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar; i_instance : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_length : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar; i_instance : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_rate : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar; i_instance : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; (* libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_title : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar; i_instance : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_chapter : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar; i_instance : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_seekable : function(p_instance : Plibvlc_instance_t; psz_name : PAnsiChar; i_instance : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; *) end; implementation function IsWow64: Boolean; type TIsWow64Process = function( // Type of IsWow64Process API fn Handle: Windows.THandle; var Res: Windows.BOOL ): Windows.BOOL; stdcall; var IsWow64Result: Windows.BOOL; // Result from IsWow64Process IsWow64Process: TIsWow64Process; // IsWow64Process fn reference begin // Try to load required function from kernel32 IsWow64Process := Windows.GetProcAddress( Windows.GetModuleHandle('kernel32'), 'IsWow64Process' ); if Assigned(IsWow64Process) then begin // Function is implemented: call it if not IsWow64Process( Windows.GetCurrentProcess, IsWow64Result ) then raise SysUtils.Exception.Create('IsWow64: bad process handle'); // Return result of function Result := IsWow64Result; end else // Function not implemented: can't be running on Wow64 Result := False; end; procedure Delay(msDelay: DWORD); var Start : DWORD; begin Start:=GetTickCount; repeat sleep(2); Application.ProcessMessages; until GetTickCount-Start > msDelay; end; { TLibVLC } destructor TLibVLC.Destroy; // free objects begin libvlc_log_close(FLog); libvlc_release(FLib); if Assigned(FLogTimer) then FLogTimer.Free; if Assigned(FFormFS) then FFormFS.Free; end; procedure TLibVLC.LoadFunctions; // get all function pointers begin GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_playlist_play, 'libvlc_playlist_play'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_errmsg , 'libvlc_errmsg'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_clearerr , 'libvlc_clearerr'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_new , 'libvlc_new'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_release , 'libvlc_release'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_retain , 'libvlc_retain'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_add_intf , 'libvlc_add_intf'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_wait , 'libvlc_wait'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_get_version , 'libvlc_get_version'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_get_compiler , 'libvlc_get_compiler'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_get_changeset , 'libvlc_get_changeset'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_event_attach , 'libvlc_event_attach'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_event_detach , 'libvlc_event_detach'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_event_type_name , 'libvlc_event_type_name'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_get_log_verbosity , 'libvlc_get_log_verbosity'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_set_log_verbosity , 'libvlc_set_log_verbosity'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_log_open , 'libvlc_log_open'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_log_close , 'libvlc_log_close'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_log_count , 'libvlc_log_count'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_log_clear , 'libvlc_log_clear'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_log_get_iterator , 'libvlc_log_get_iterator'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_log_iterator_free , 'libvlc_log_iterator_free'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_log_iterator_has_next , 'libvlc_log_iterator_has_next'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_log_iterator_next , 'libvlc_log_iterator_next'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_new_location , 'libvlc_media_new_location'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_new_path , 'libvlc_media_new_path'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_new_as_node , 'libvlc_media_new_as_node'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_add_option , 'libvlc_media_add_option'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_retain , 'libvlc_media_retain'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_release , 'libvlc_media_release'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_get_mrl , 'libvlc_media_get_mrl'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_duplicate , 'libvlc_media_duplicate'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_get_meta , 'libvlc_media_get_meta'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_get_state , 'libvlc_media_get_state'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_get_stats , 'libvlc_media_get_stats'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_subitems , 'libvlc_media_subitems'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_event_manager , 'libvlc_media_event_manager'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_get_duration , 'libvlc_media_get_duration'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_parse, 'libvlc_media_parse'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_parse_async, 'libvlc_media_parse_async'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_is_parsed, 'libvlc_media_is_parsed'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_set_user_data , 'libvlc_media_set_user_data'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_get_user_data , 'libvlc_media_get_user_data'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_new , 'libvlc_media_list_new'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_release , 'libvlc_media_list_release'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_retain , 'libvlc_media_list_retain'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_set_media , 'libvlc_media_list_set_media'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_media , 'libvlc_media_list_media'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_add_media , 'libvlc_media_list_add_media'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_insert_media , 'libvlc_media_list_insert_media'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_remove_index , 'libvlc_media_list_remove_index'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_count , 'libvlc_media_list_count'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_item_at_index , 'libvlc_media_list_item_at_index'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_index_of_item , 'libvlc_media_list_index_of_item'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_is_readonly , 'libvlc_media_list_is_readonly'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_lock , 'libvlc_media_list_lock'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_unlock , 'libvlc_media_list_unlock'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_event_manager , 'libvlc_media_list_event_manager'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_library_new , 'libvlc_media_library_new'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_library_release , 'libvlc_media_library_release'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_library_retain , 'libvlc_media_library_retain'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_library_load , 'libvlc_media_library_load'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_library_media_list , 'libvlc_media_library_media_list'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_new , 'libvlc_media_player_new'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_new_from_media , 'libvlc_media_player_new_from_media'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_release , 'libvlc_media_player_release'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_retain , 'libvlc_media_player_retain'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_set_media , 'libvlc_media_player_set_media'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_get_media , 'libvlc_media_player_get_media'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_event_manager , 'libvlc_media_player_event_manager'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_is_playing , 'libvlc_media_player_is_playing'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_play , 'libvlc_media_player_play'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_pause , 'libvlc_media_player_pause'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_stop , 'libvlc_media_player_stop'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_set_nsobject , 'libvlc_media_player_set_nsobject'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_get_nsobject , 'libvlc_media_player_get_nsobject'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_set_agl , 'libvlc_media_player_set_agl'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_get_agl , 'libvlc_media_player_get_agl'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_set_xwindow , 'libvlc_media_player_set_xwindow'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_get_xwindow , 'libvlc_media_player_get_xwindow'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd , 'libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_get_hwnd , 'libvlc_media_player_get_hwnd'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_get_length , 'libvlc_media_player_get_length'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_get_time , 'libvlc_media_player_get_time'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_set_time , 'libvlc_media_player_set_time'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_get_position , 'libvlc_media_player_get_position'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_set_position , 'libvlc_media_player_set_position'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_set_chapter , 'libvlc_media_player_set_chapter'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_get_chapter , 'libvlc_media_player_get_chapter'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_get_chapter_count , 'libvlc_media_player_get_chapter_count'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_will_play , 'libvlc_media_player_will_play'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_get_chapter_count_for_title , 'libvlc_media_player_get_chapter_count_for_title'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_set_title , 'libvlc_media_player_set_title'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_get_title , 'libvlc_media_player_get_title'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_get_title_count , 'libvlc_media_player_get_title_count'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_previous_chapter , 'libvlc_media_player_previous_chapter'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_next_chapter , 'libvlc_media_player_next_chapter'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_get_rate , 'libvlc_media_player_get_rate'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_set_rate , 'libvlc_media_player_set_rate'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_get_state , 'libvlc_media_player_get_state'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_get_fps , 'libvlc_media_player_get_fps'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_has_vout , 'libvlc_media_player_has_vout'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_is_seekable , 'libvlc_media_player_is_seekable'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_player_can_pause , 'libvlc_media_player_can_pause'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_track_description_release , 'libvlc_track_description_release'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_toggle_fullscreen , 'libvlc_toggle_fullscreen'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_set_fullscreen , 'libvlc_set_fullscreen'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_get_fullscreen , 'libvlc_get_fullscreen'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_set_deinterlace , 'libvlc_video_set_deinterlace'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_marquee_int, 'libvlc_video_get_marquee_int'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_marquee_string, 'libvlc_video_get_marquee_string'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_set_marquee_int, 'libvlc_video_set_marquee_int'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_set_marquee_string, 'libvlc_video_set_marquee_string'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_logo_int, 'libvlc_video_get_logo_int'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_set_logo_int, 'libvlc_video_set_logo_int'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_set_logo_string, 'libvlc_video_set_logo_string'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_adjust_int, 'libvlc_video_get_adjust_int'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_set_adjust_int, 'libvlc_video_set_adjust_int'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_adjust_float, 'libvlc_video_get_adjust_float'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_set_adjust_float, 'libvlc_video_set_adjust_float'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_set_key_input , 'libvlc_video_set_key_input'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_set_mouse_input , 'libvlc_video_set_mouse_input'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_size , 'libvlc_video_get_size'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_cursor , 'libvlc_video_get_cursor'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_height , 'libvlc_video_get_height'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_width , 'libvlc_video_get_width'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_scale , 'libvlc_video_get_scale'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_set_scale , 'libvlc_video_set_scale'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_aspect_ratio , 'libvlc_video_get_aspect_ratio'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_set_aspect_ratio , 'libvlc_video_set_aspect_ratio'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_spu , 'libvlc_video_get_spu'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_spu_count , 'libvlc_video_get_spu_count'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_spu_description , 'libvlc_video_get_spu_description'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_set_spu , 'libvlc_video_set_spu'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_set_subtitle_file , 'libvlc_video_set_subtitle_file'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_title_description , 'libvlc_video_get_title_description'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_chapter_description , 'libvlc_video_get_chapter_description'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_crop_geometry , 'libvlc_video_get_crop_geometry'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_set_crop_geometry , 'libvlc_video_set_crop_geometry'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_toggle_teletext , 'libvlc_toggle_teletext'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_teletext , 'libvlc_video_get_teletext'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_set_teletext , 'libvlc_video_set_teletext'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_track_count , 'libvlc_video_get_track_count'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_track_description , 'libvlc_video_get_track_description'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_get_track , 'libvlc_video_get_track'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_set_track , 'libvlc_video_set_track'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_video_take_snapshot , 'libvlc_video_take_snapshot'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_output_list_get , 'libvlc_audio_output_list_get'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_output_list_release , 'libvlc_audio_output_list_release'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_output_set , 'libvlc_audio_output_set'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_output_device_count , 'libvlc_audio_output_device_count'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_output_device_longname , 'libvlc_audio_output_device_longname'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_output_device_id , 'libvlc_audio_output_device_id'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_output_device_set , 'libvlc_audio_output_device_set'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_output_get_device_type , 'libvlc_audio_output_get_device_type'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_output_set_device_type , 'libvlc_audio_output_set_device_type'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_toggle_mute , 'libvlc_audio_toggle_mute'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_get_mute , 'libvlc_audio_get_mute'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_set_mute , 'libvlc_audio_set_mute'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_get_volume , 'libvlc_audio_get_volume'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_set_volume , 'libvlc_audio_set_volume'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_get_track_count , 'libvlc_audio_get_track_count'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_get_track_description , 'libvlc_audio_get_track_description'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_get_track , 'libvlc_audio_get_track'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_set_track , 'libvlc_audio_set_track'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_get_channel , 'libvlc_audio_get_channel'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_audio_set_channel , 'libvlc_audio_set_channel'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_player_new , 'libvlc_media_list_player_new'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_player_release , 'libvlc_media_list_player_release'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_player_set_media_player , 'libvlc_media_list_player_set_media_player'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_player_set_media_list , 'libvlc_media_list_player_set_media_list'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_player_play , 'libvlc_media_list_player_play'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_player_pause , 'libvlc_media_list_player_pause'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_player_is_playing , 'libvlc_media_list_player_is_playing'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_player_get_state , 'libvlc_media_list_player_get_state'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_player_play_item_at_index , 'libvlc_media_list_player_play_item_at_index'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_player_play_item , 'libvlc_media_list_player_play_item'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_player_stop , 'libvlc_media_list_player_stop'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_list_player_next , 'libvlc_media_list_player_next'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_discoverer_new_from_name , 'libvlc_media_discoverer_new_from_name'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_discoverer_release , 'libvlc_media_discoverer_release'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_discoverer_localized_name , 'libvlc_media_discoverer_localized_name'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_discoverer_media_list , 'libvlc_media_discoverer_media_list'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_discoverer_event_manager , 'libvlc_media_discoverer_event_manager'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_media_discoverer_is_running , 'libvlc_media_discoverer_is_running'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_release , 'libvlc_vlm_release'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_add_broadcast , 'libvlc_vlm_add_broadcast'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_add_vod , 'libvlc_vlm_add_vod'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_del_media , 'libvlc_vlm_del_media'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_set_enabled , 'libvlc_vlm_set_enabled'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_set_output , 'libvlc_vlm_set_output'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_set_input , 'libvlc_vlm_set_input'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_add_input , 'libvlc_vlm_add_input'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_set_loop , 'libvlc_vlm_set_loop'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_set_mux , 'libvlc_vlm_set_mux'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_change_media , 'libvlc_vlm_change_media'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_play_media , 'libvlc_vlm_play_media'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_stop_media , 'libvlc_vlm_stop_media'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_pause_media , 'libvlc_vlm_pause_media'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_seek_media , 'libvlc_vlm_seek_media'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_show_media , 'libvlc_vlm_show_media'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_position , 'libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_position'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_time , 'libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_time'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_length , 'libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_length'); GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_rate , 'libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_rate'); // GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_title , 'libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_title'); // GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_chapter , 'libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_chapter'); // GetAProcAddress(@libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_seekable , 'libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_seekable'); if FLastError = -1 then begin raise Exception.Create('libvlc function error!'); end else begin // set internal version only, e.g. 1.1.0 FVersion := Copy(VLC_GetVersion(), 1, 5); end; end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_Pause; // pause media_player begin if Assigned(FPlayer) then libvlc_media_player_pause(FPlayer); end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_Play; // play media_player begin if not Assigned(FPlayer) then exit; libvlc_media_player_play(FPlayer); end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_Stop; // stop media_player var i : Integer; begin if not Assigned(FPlayer) then exit; libvlc_media_player_stop(FPlayer); // wait until stop is really finished, because VLC_IsPlaying() // will return true during stopping for i:=0 to 10 do begin if not VLC_IsPlaying() then break else Sleep(100); end; end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_ToggleFullscreen(Panel: TPanel; Background: TPanel); // toggle fullscreen with panel begin if not Assigned(FPnlOutput) then exit; if Assigned(Background) then begin if FBackground.Parent = FFormFS then Background.Parent := FBackgroundParent else begin FBackgroundParent := Background.Parent; FBackground := Background; FBackground.Parent := FFormFS; end; end; if FFullscreen then begin FFormFS.Close; SetWindowPos(FFormFS.Handle, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE); Application.ProcessMessages; SetAParent(Panel.Handle, Panel.Parent.Handle, TForm(Panel.Parent).Monitor.Height, TForm(Panel.Parent).Monitor.Width); Panel.Top := FOldPanTop; Panel.Left := FOldPanLeft; Panel.Height := FOldPanHeight; Panel.Width := FOldPanWidth; FFullscreen := false; end else begin FOldPanTop := Panel.Top; FOldPanLeft := Panel.Left; FOldPanHeight := Panel.Height; FOldPanWidth := Panel.Width; SetAParent(Panel.Handle, FFormFS.Handle, TForm(Panel.Parent).Monitor.Height, TForm(Panel.Parent).Monitor.Width); Panel.Top := 0; Panel.Left := 0; Panel.Height := TForm(Panel.Parent).Monitor.Height; Panel.Width := TForm(Panel.Parent).Monitor.Width; FFormFS.Top := 0; FFormFS.Left := 0; FFormFS.Height := TForm(Panel.Parent).Monitor.Height; FFormFS.Width := TForm(Panel.Parent).Monitor.Width; FFormFS.Show; SetWindowPos(FFormFS.Handle, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE); Application.ProcessMessages; SetAParent(Panel.Handle, FFormFS.Handle, TForm(Panel.Parent).Monitor.Height, TForm(Panel.Parent).Monitor.Width); FFormFS.SetFocus; FFullscreen := true; end; end; function TLibVLC.GetAProcAddress(var Addr: Pointer; Name: PChar): Integer; // get function pointer to a dll function begin Addr := GetProcAddress(FDLLHandle, Name); if (Addr <> nil) then Result := 0 else begin raise Exception.Create(Name); FLastError := -1; end; end; function TLibVLC.VLC_GetStats: libvlc_media_stats_t; // get media stats like "lostbuffers" begin if not Assigned(FPlayer) then exit; if Assigned(FMedia) and (libvlc_media_player_is_playing(FPlayer) = 1) then libvlc_media_get_stats(FMedia, @FStats); Result := FStats; end; function TLibVLC.SetAParent(hWndChild, hWndNewParent: HWND; NewParentWidth, NewParentHeight: integer): boolean; // change parent window var hWndPrevParent: HWND; begin hWndPrevParent := Windows.SetParent(hWndChild, hWndNewParent); if hWndPrevParent = 0 then Result := false else Result := true; end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_SetAudioTrack(iTrack: Integer); // set audio track begin if not Assigned(FPlayer) then exit; libvlc_audio_set_track(FPlayer, iTrack); end; function TLibVLC.VLC_GetAudioTrack: Integer; // get current audio track begin Result := -1; if not Assigned(FPlayer) then exit; Result := libvlc_audio_get_track(FPlayer); end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_TakeSnapshot(Path: String; width, height : Integer); // take a snapshot begin if not Assigned(FPlayer) then exit; if not Assigned(FPnlOutput) then exit; libvlc_video_take_snapshot(FPlayer, 0, PAnsiChar(Path), width, height); end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_SetDeinterlaceMode(Mode: String); // set video deinterlace mode begin if not Assigned(FPlayer) then exit; if not Assigned(FPnlOutput) then exit; libvlc_video_set_deinterlace(FPlayer, PChar(Mode)); end; function TLibVLC.VLC_IsPlaying: Boolean; // get media_player playing status begin Result := false; if not Assigned(FPlayer) then exit; if (libvlc_media_player_is_playing(FPlayer) = 1) then begin Result := true end else begin Result := false; end; end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_SetCropMode(Mode: String); // set video crop mode begin if not Assigned(FPlayer) then exit; libvlc_video_set_crop_geometry(FPlayer, PAnsiChar(Mode)); end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_SetARMode(Mode: String); // set video aspect ratio begin if not Assigned(FPlayer) then exit; libvlc_video_set_aspect_ratio(FPlayer, PAnsiChar(AnsiString(Mode))); end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_SetMute(Activate : Boolean); // set mute on/off begin if not Assigned(FPlayer) then exit; if not Activate then libvlc_audio_set_mute(FPlayer, 0) else libvlc_audio_set_mute(FPlayer, 1); end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_SetVolume (Level : Integer); // set volume begin if not Assigned(FPlayer) then exit; libvlc_audio_set_volume(FPlayer, Level); end; constructor TLibVLC.Create(InstName, DLL: String; Params: array of PAnsiChar; LogLevel: Integer; PnlOutput: TPanel; Callback, Userdata : Pointer); // load libvlc.dll, init libvlc and init class, with video output! begin if (DLL = '') or (DLL = 'libvlc.dll') then DLL := PChar(VLC_GetLibPath) + '/libvlc.dll'; // load libvlccore.dll (well, only needed if vlc is in a diffrent folder then the application) FDllHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(ExtractFilePath(DLL)+'libvlccore.dll')); // load libvlc.dll FDllHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(DLL)); // name FName := InstName; // fullscreen FFullscreen := false; if Assigned(PnlOutput) then begin FFormFS := TFormFS.CreateNew(nil); FFormFS.BorderStyle := bsNone; FFormFS.Width := Screen.Width; FFormFS.Height := Screen.Height; FFormFS.Visible := false; FFormFS.Top := 0; FFormFS.Left := 0; FBackground := TPanel.Create(FFormFS); //output FPnlOutput := PnlOutput; end; // callback FCallback := Callback; // callback userdata FUserdata := Userdata; // check handle if FDllHandle = 0 then raise Exception.Create('load library failed!'); // load all dll function pointers LoadFunctions; // init libvlc instance FLib := libvlc_new(Length(Params), @Params[0]); // init logging libvlc_set_log_verbosity(FLib, LogLevel); FLog := libvlc_log_open(FLib); FLogTimer := TTimer.Create(nil); FLogTimer.OnTimer := OnLogTimer; FLogTimer.Interval := 100; FLogTimer.Enabled := true; end; function TLibVLC.VLC_GetVersion: String; // get version begin Result := libvlc_get_version(); end; function TLibVLC.VLC_GetVolume: Integer; // get volume begin Result := -1; if not Assigned(FPlayer) then exit; Result := libvlc_audio_get_volume(FPlayer); end; function TLibVLC.VLC_GetLibPath: String; // get vlc library path var Handle:HKEY; RegType:integer; DataSize:integer; Key: PWideChar; begin Result := ''; if IsWow64 then Key := 'Software\Wow6432Node\VideoLAN\VLC' else Key := 'Software\VideoLAN\VLC'; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,Key,0,KEY_ALL_ACCESS,Handle)=ERROR_SUCCESS) then begin if RegQueryValueEx(Handle,'InstallDir',nil,@RegType,nil,@DataSize)=ERROR_SUCCESS then begin SetLength(Result,Datasize); RegQueryValueEx(Handle,'InstallDir',nil,@RegType,PByte(@Result[1]),@DataSize); Result[DataSize]:='\'; end; RegCloseKey(Handle); end; end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_PlayMedia(MediaURL: String; MediaOptions: TStringList; Panel : TPanel); // create new player and new media var i : Integer; Pevent_manager : Plibvlc_event_manager_t; begin // media FMediaURL := MediaURL; FMediaOpt := MediaOptions; if not Assigned(FMedia) then begin if FileExists(Trim(FMediaURL)) then FMedia := libvlc_media_new_path(FLib, PAnsiChar(AnsiString(Trim(FMediaURL)))) else FMedia := libvlc_media_new_location(FLib, PAnsiChar(AnsiString(Trim(FMediaURL)))); end; for i := 0 to FMediaOpt.Count-1 do begin libvlc_media_add_option(FMedia, PAnsiChar(AnsiString(FMediaOpt.Strings[i]))); end; if not Assigned(FPlayer) then FPlayer := libvlc_media_player_new_from_media(FMedia); // libvlc_media_release(FMedia); // could be released, but needed for VLC_GetStats() if Assigned(FPnlOutput) then begin if Assigned(Panel) then libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd(FPlayer, Pointer(Panel.Handle)) else libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd(FPlayer, Pointer(FPnlOutput.Handle)); end; // libvlc_video_set_mouse_input(FPlayer, 0); // mouse still always hidden... // libvlc_video_set_key_input(FPlayer, 1); // register all events if Assigned(FCallback) then begin Pevent_manager := libvlc_media_player_event_manager(FPlayer); for i:=0 to sizeof(libvlc_events)-1 do begin libvlc_event_attach(Pevent_manager, libvlc_events[i], FCallback, FUserdata); end; end; libvlc_media_player_play(FPlayer); end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_StopMedia; // stop media_player and free player + media var i : Integer; begin if Assigned(FPlayer) then begin libvlc_media_player_stop(FPlayer); // wait until stop is really finished for i:=0 to 10 do begin if not VLC_IsPlaying() then break else Sleep(100); end; libvlc_media_player_release(FPlayer); FPlayer := nil; end; if Assigned(FMedia) then begin libvlc_media_release(FMedia); FMedia := nil; end; end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_AdjustVideo (Contrast: Double; Brightness : Double; Hue : Integer; Saturation : Double; Gamma : Double); // adjust video output begin if Assigned(FPlayer) then begin libvlc_video_set_adjust_int(FPlayer, libvlc_adjust_Enable, 1); libvlc_video_set_adjust_float(FPlayer, libvlc_adjust_Contrast, Contrast); libvlc_video_set_adjust_float(FPlayer, libvlc_adjust_Brightness, Brightness); libvlc_video_set_adjust_float(FPlayer, libvlc_adjust_Hue, Hue); libvlc_video_set_adjust_float(FPlayer, libvlc_adjust_Saturation, Saturation); libvlc_video_set_adjust_float(FPlayer, libvlc_adjust_Gamma, Gamma); end; end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_ResetVideo; // reset video output to default begin if Assigned(FPlayer) then begin libvlc_video_set_adjust_int(FPlayer, libvlc_adjust_Enable, 0); end; end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_SetLogo(LogoFile: string); begin libvlc_video_set_logo_int(FPlayer,libvlc_logo_enable, 1); libvlc_video_set_logo_string(FPlayer,libvlc_logo_file,PAnsiChar(AnsiString(LogoFile))); libvlc_video_set_logo_int(FPlayer,libvlc_logo_x,0); libvlc_video_set_logo_int(FPlayer,libvlc_logo_y,0); libvlc_video_set_logo_int(FPlayer,libvlc_logo_repeat,-1); // continuous? libvlc_video_set_logo_int(FPlayer,libvlc_logo_opacity,255); // totally opaque end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_ToggleFullscreen(Frame: TFrame; Background: TPanel); // toggle fullscreen with panel in a frame begin if not Assigned(FPnlOutput) then exit; if Assigned(Background) then begin if FBackground.Parent = FFormFS then Background.Parent := FBackgroundParent else begin FBackgroundParent := Background.Parent; FBackground := Background; FBackground.Parent := FFormFS; end; end; if FFullscreen then begin FFormFS.Hide; SetWindowPos(FFormFS.Handle, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE); SetAParent(Frame.Handle, Frame.Parent.Handle, TForm(Frame.Parent).Monitor.Height, TForm(Frame.Parent).Monitor.Width); Frame.Top := FOldPanTop; Frame.Left := FOldPanLeft; Frame.Height := FOldPanHeight; Frame.Width := FOldPanWidth; FFullscreen := false; end else begin FOldPanTop := Frame.Top; FOldPanLeft := Frame.Left; FOldPanHeight := Frame.Height; FOldPanWidth := Frame.Width; SetAParent(Frame.Handle, FFormFS.Handle, TForm(Frame.Parent).Monitor.Height, TForm(Frame.Parent).Monitor.Width); Frame.Top := 0; Frame.Left := 0; Frame.Height := TForm(Frame.Parent).Monitor.Height; Frame.Width := TForm(Frame.Parent).Monitor.Width; FFormFS.Top := 0; FFormFS.Left := 0; FFormFS.Height := TForm(Frame.Parent).Monitor.Height; FFormFS.Width := TForm(Frame.Parent).Monitor.Width; FFormFS.Show; SetWindowPos(FFormFS.Handle, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE); FFormFS.SetFocus; FFullscreen := true; end; end; function TLibVLC.VLC_GetAudioTrackList: String; // get audio tracklist from current playback var Track : Plibvlc_track_description_t; begin Result := ''; if not Assigned(FPlayer) then exit; // first track is only for deactivating sound... Track := libvlc_audio_get_track_description(FPlayer); if not Assigned(Track) then exit; // so we take the second one... Track := Track.p_next; if not Assigned(Track) then exit; // and all others following... repeat Result := Result + IntToStr(Track.i_id)+' '+Track.psz_name+ChrCRLF; Track := Track.p_next; until not Assigned(Track); end; procedure TLibVLC.VLC_SetMarquee(Text: String; Color, Opac, Pos, Refresh, Size, Timeout, X, Y: Integer); // set marquee text begin libvlc_video_set_marquee_string(FPlayer, libvlc_marquee_Text, PAnsiChar(AnsiString(Text))); // options libvlc_video_set_marquee_int(FPlayer, libvlc_marquee_Enabled, 1); libvlc_video_set_marquee_int(FPlayer, libvlc_marquee_Color, Color); libvlc_video_set_marquee_int(FPlayer, libvlc_marquee_Opacity, Opac); libvlc_video_set_marquee_int(FPlayer, libvlc_marquee_Position, Pos); libvlc_video_set_marquee_int(FPlayer, libvlc_marquee_Refresh, Refresh); libvlc_video_set_marquee_int(FPlayer, libvlc_marquee_Size, Size); libvlc_video_set_marquee_int(FPlayer, libvlc_marquee_Timeout, Timeout); libvlc_video_set_marquee_int(FPlayer, libvlc_marquee_X, X); libvlc_video_set_marquee_int(FPlayer, libvlc_marquee_Y, Y); end; function TLibVLC.VLC_GetMute: Boolean; // read mute status begin Result := false; if not Assigned(FPlayer) then exit; if libvlc_audio_get_mute(FPlayer) = 1 then Result := true end; procedure TLibVLC.OnLogTimer(Sender: TObject); // timer log event var AIterator: Plibvlc_log_iterator_t; AMessage: libvlc_log_message_t; begin if not Assigned(FLog) then exit; if (libvlc_log_count(FLog) > 0) then begin AIterator := libvlc_log_get_iterator(FLog); if Assigned(FLogEvent) then begin while (libvlc_log_iterator_has_next(AIterator) > 0) do begin libvlc_log_iterator_next(AIterator, @AMessage); FLogEvent(AMessage); end; end; libvlc_log_clear(FLog); end; end; function TLibVLC.VLC_GetEventString(event: libvlc_event_t): String; // returns a event-string for a libvlc_event_t var i : Integer; begin for i:=0 to sizeof(libvlc_events)-1 do begin if event._type = libvlc_events[i] then begin Result := libvlc_events_text[i]; break; end; end; end; { TFormFS } procedure TFormFS.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); // -create a form with stayontop and desktop as parent, so no other window can disturb // -toolwindow to prevent taskbar entry begin inherited CreateParams(Params); with Params do begin ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_TOPMOST or WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW; WndParent := GetDesktopwindow; end; end; initialization end.

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