Postby Spyme » 11 Apr 2011 01:38
Would a extra window, that you can manually open, with all available functions within skins have a influence to use a skin, for you?
One part that prevents me to use a lot of the native controls is the missing space. If you would make a skin that is clean and simple, but have the advantage of the native player, takes you to a problem. The "customize controls" option isn´t available to skins, so even you try to provide it, you cannot customize the controls at your desire. As i designed my skin, i build some questions, what the user like the native player for, and what may the hate on it. Then i did a look an a lot of available skins and what they do wrong or why they are used less often. You make take a look an my Advantage.VLC Skin, i hate it for the overflow and size, but i don´t want to cut features missed in other skins or that are provided by the native player.