use VLC to convert or stream AND desaturate video output?

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New Cone
New Cone
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use VLC to convert or stream AND desaturate video output?

Postby murrayatuptown » 28 Mar 2011 00:50


I just edited this. My post a few minutes ago was clueless. The edited one below is a little better, but I still don't know what process to use to do file convert?

I just installed VLC 1.18 and went through all the preferences options. I see two options that look like they solve both my dilemmas, but I am still not sure what process to use these tools under.

Image Adjust has a Saturation range of 0-3. This sound like it should provide monochrome output when desired.

Scene Filter appears to offer still generation from video. If I understand the pop-up help dialog, -1 and -1 for W and H means the output files will be the same as the video native format, and the ratio selects frames at intervals. Assuming 30 fps, '30' would capture 1 frame per second, and '1' would capture all frames?

I have tried convert and stream-to-file but do not know how to choose options for encapsulation, etc.

Thank you


New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 8
Joined: 01 Feb 2010 01:11

Re: use VLC to convert or stream AND desaturate video output

Postby murrayatuptown » 08 Apr 2011 23:28

Is the command-line-interface the only way to do this type of thing, and is sout relevant?

Thank you

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