I need your help so that it gets translated into more languages. Here is a HowTo on translation for the Skin Editor:
How to translate
All language files are in the lang folder. Each language file is encoded in UTF-8 and that has to be the encoding of any new language file you create as otherwise non-latin characters will not be displayed correctly.
The file languages.txt tells the program about available languages. It contains entries in the following formate, one entry per line:
ISO language code|English name of the language|Language file
So start by adding a new line for the language you want to translate to. e.g.
Copy the English language file (or that of any other language you understand best), and rename it to the name you specified in languages.txt.
Now start editing the copied language file.
In most places you find helpful comments, started by a # at the beginning of the line, explaining the following entries.
Each entry consists of the String ID followed by a | and then the translated text.
To create line breaks in the translated text write \n
In some entries you can use variables which are a % followed by the variable name, e.g. %i for an ID.
Also Some entries may contain HTML formatted text, in order that this works the translated string has to begin with <html> and end with </html>.
I hope you understand how to translate for the Skin Editor through this short information. If you have any questions just post them in this thread.
If you want to do a translation post it here and if you're finished please send the language file along with the name of the language to daniel.dreibrodt@gmail.com
Already available languages are:
- English
- Catalan (Incomplete)
- Chinese (Traditional)
- Czech
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Italian
- Korean
- Polish
- Portuguese (Brasil)
- Russian (Incomplete)
- Serbian (Cyrillic & Latin)
- Slovak
- Spanish
- Swedish (incomplete)