AAC stream from online station is from hours ago.

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AAC stream from online station is from hours ago.

Postby brakeb » 01 Feb 2011 19:58

I have tried this on a "Windows 1.1.6 VLC version", and on "OpenBSD 4.9 -current with a VLC version 1.0.6".

I played this link in my VLC: "http://edgev1.den.echo.liquidcompass.net/KBZTFMAAC". It's the link to play the feed from FM 94/9 out of San Diego.

I was playing the link this morning using my 1.1.5 version of VLC when the upgrade notice came up. I downloaded and installed the new version on the Windows box. I got busy and had to leave my desk for a while, and about an hour later, I come back and start the stream again, and notice that the morning show is still on (mikey show runs from 6am -10am PST). It is well after 10 am PST and I'm hearing them talking from the 8 am hour.

I thought I'd somehow activated some new caching functionality, so I uninstalled and reinstalled VLC, just to make sure everything is gone (deleted the videolan directory as well). Re-installed 1.1.6 and brought the link back up, and now I'm hearing the same feed as if I had paused an mp3. So I went to my XiiaLive on my Droid, and I'm not hearing the same thing on my phone. Music is playing and the morning show is long gone. The extremely weird thing is, I brought my OpenBSD VM online, and started the stream through the 1.0.6 VLC player on there, and I'm hearing the same thing I heard on the windows box.

Is this having something to do with the network at my office? Could something like a web cache or accelerator be causing this issue? I hesitate to ask IT, ask I don't want to be raising a flag that might cause a change in IT policy (no more streaming at work).

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: AAC stream from online station is from hours ago.

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 01 Feb 2011 20:06

It sounds like either an HTTP proxy bug, or incorrect caching infos from the streaming servers, yes.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 10 Dec 2010 04:01

Re: AAC stream from online station is from hours ago.

Postby brakeb » 01 Feb 2011 20:41

When I call the IP vice the link (, I get the latest. Even now, I go back to the 'edgev1' link, and the link is almost 4 hours behind. When I run URL Snooper2, I see that the 'edgev1' link resolves to an internal IP. My guess is that our IT department have proxy issues. They must have just put this in, as I've not had issues with this before today.

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