Don't get me wrong - I can and do appreciate all the work that must have been invested into vlc. I have been a developer since 0.9x version of Linux - so, yes, I know what I am talking about.
The task: Stream a live video from a tv-source embedded into the web, http-access, bandwidth available 512 Kbps
Software available: Fedora 13, VLC 1.1.5, pre-compiled from repo
Here's what I went through:
Try -1-: Stream Flash. Transcode with FLV1 works, poor quality, loses audio-sync pretty fast - not usable;
Try -2-: Stream Flash. Transcode h.264 / mp4a / mp3 failed to produce anything that could be embedded into a website
Try -3-: Stream VP8 - didn't work at all.
Try -4-: Stream Theora - Doesn't work with cortado applet, works within video-tag. Loses audio-sync from time to time,especially after some connection problems, isn't able to recover, needs restart to re-sync audio
Try -5-: Stream mms - Transcode with DIV3, mp3 - poor video quality, very poor audio synchronization - not usable;
I also tried a lot of mp4 variations (with mp4v, mp4a muxed into asf works best), however the vlc mozilla applet crashes the browser.
I am sure I may not have been able to grasp all of vlc's switches, options and modules. And I understand that vlc relies on other codecs and libs and that some problems are not vlc's fault.
However: Any streaming solution should provide basic transcoding functions for usage within web environments. I don't want to become a vlc specialist: I want to stream video into a web-page. In a way, that all or at least most browsers are able to view it. Without the need to restart the server every 20 minutes to re-sync audio. From my perspective, vlc fails to meet this target.
Something like $ cvlc pvr://dev/video0 --sout flash10-low,dst=
Today's world is Android,IPhone, Flash and WebM. The vlc team should concentrate on providing these services flawlessly, everything else is (IMHO) gravy.
Just my two cents after spending 3 days to get anything working.