Playlist Bug

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New Cone
New Cone
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Playlist Bug

Postby jbrown96 » 23 Jan 2011 08:55

VLC: 1.1.5
Platform: Fedora (Linux) 14 KDE 4.6.0

I'm trying to save a playlist in VLC, but as soon as I click Media -> "Save Playlist to File...," VLC completely freezes and has to be force-quit.

I didn't post this in the Linux sub-forum because I'm not really looking to get the bug fixed. I doubt that it's a problem with VLC; it's much more likely to be a problem with my system. I don't need to be able to save playlists. I just need to use one as an example.
I usually just have VLC playing a video on my secondary monitor most of the time, like most people do with music. And I just want a random selection of my TV shows. I've written a Python script that will choose 20 random random TV episodes, and I want it to play them in VLC. The problem is that I can't get VLC to read my playlist. I found only one format that seems to apply ( ... ist_Format), and it says that VLC implements it; however, VLC won't load it. I just need to see a valid, preferably Linux, playlist from VLC.

Would anyone mind creating a playlist with four or five videos and post it here? I can't finish my script until I see what the VLC playlist schema is.



Code: Select all

#!/bin/env python import os, random media_dir = '/var/media/television' plist_name = '/tmp/vlc-playlist' # Specify the number of each show that you want to see. # The show name is the top-level directory for that show. shows = {'Aqua Teen Hunger Force' : 5, 'The Wire' : 1, 'Family Guy' : 3, 'King of The Hill' : 6, 'The Big Bang Theory' : 2, 'Parks and Recreation' : 1} total = 0 for i in shows.values(): total += i # Don't use on Windows, maybe not on OS X. random.seed(open('/dev/urandom', 'r').read(4)) episodes = [] accepted = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(media_dir): for i in files: if i[-4:] in ('.m4v', '.avi', '.mkv', '.mov') and os.path.isfile(root + '/' + i): episodes.append(root + '/' + i) while total > 0: r = random.randint(0, len(episodes) -1) a = episodes[r] for i in a.split('/'): if i in shows.keys(): if shows[i] > 0: shows[i] -= 1 accepted.append(episodes[r]) episodes.pop(r) total -= 1 plist_st = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <playlist version="1" xmlns=""> <trackList>''' plist_en = '''</trackList> </playlist>''' item_st = '''<track> <title>''' item_md = '''</title> <location>''' item_en = '''</location> </track>''' playlist = plist_st + '\n ' for i in accepted: print(i) playlist = playlist + item_st + i.split('/')[-1] + item_md + i + item_en + '\n ' playlist = playlist + plist_en fb = open(plist_name, 'w') fb.write(playlist) fb.flush() fb.close()
Example playlist:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<playlist version="1" xmlns="">
<title>03 - Spies Reminiscent of Us.m4v</title>
<location>/var/media/television/Family Guy/Season 8/03 - Spies Reminiscent of Us.m4v</location>
<title>18 - The Work Song Nanocluster.m4v</title>
<location>/var/media/television/The Big Bang Theory/Season 2/18 - The Work Song Nanocluster.m4v</location>
<title>17 - It's Not Easy Being Green.m4v</title>
<location>/var/media/television/King of The Hill/Season 5/17 - It's Not Easy Being Green.m4v</location>
<title>Aqua Teen Hunger Force - S04E06 - Party All the Time.avi</title>
<location>/var/media/television/Aqua Teen Hunger Force/Season 4/06 - Party All the Time.avi</location>
<location>/var/media/television/Family Guy/4-6.m4v</location>
<title>Aqua Teen Hunger Force - S04E07 - Global Grilling.avi</title>
<location>/var/media/television/Aqua Teen Hunger Force/Season 4/07 - Global Grilling.avi</location>
<title>07 - 2-And-a-Half-Star Wars out of Five.avi</title>
<location>/var/media/television/Aqua Teen Hunger Force/Season 6/07 - 2-And-a-Half-Star Wars out of Five.avi</location>
<title>20 - The Spaghetti Catalyst.m4v</title>
<location>/var/media/television/The Big Bang Theory/Season 3/20 - The Spaghetti Catalyst.m4v</location>
<title>10 - Hillennium.m4v</title>
<location>/var/media/television/King of The Hill/Season 4/10 - Hillennium.m4v</location>
<title>16 - Peter's Progress.m4v</title>
<location>/var/media/television/Family Guy/Season 7/16 - Peter's Progress.m4v</location>
<title>12 - Mission Accomplished.m4v</title>
<location>/var/media/television/The Wire/Season 3/12 - Mission Accomplished.m4v</location>
<title>09 - Pretty, Pretty Dresses.m4v</title>
<location>/var/media/television/King of The Hill/Season 3/09 - Pretty, Pretty Dresses.m4v</location>
<title>11 - Unfortunate Son.m4v</title>
<location>/var/media/television/King of The Hill/Season 6/11 - Unfortunate Son.m4v</location>
<title>12 - Meet the Manger Babies.m4v</title>
<location>/var/media/television/King of The Hill/Season 2/12 - Meet the Manger Babies.m4v</location>
<title>07 - Happy Hank's Giving.m4v</title>
<location>/var/media/television/King of The Hill/Season 4/07 - Happy Hank's Giving.m4v</location>
<title>05 - The Banquet.m4v</title>
<location>/var/media/television/Parks and Recreation/Season 1/05 - The Banquet.m4v</location>
This playlist works in Totem, which is the default Gnome media player.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
Posts: 15336
Joined: 07 Jun 2004 16:01
VLC version: master
Operating System: Linux

Re: Playlist Bug

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 23 Jan 2011 09:19

That's a known bug in KDE4.6 :
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
Joined: 23 Feb 2009 00:56

Re: Playlist Bug

Postby jbrown96 » 25 Jan 2011 04:40

That's a known bug in KDE4.6 :
Thanks for the reply, but as I said, I'm not looking to fix the bug. I'd just like someone to post a sample playlist, so I can see the schema.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
Posts: 15336
Joined: 07 Jun 2004 16:01
VLC version: master
Operating System: Linux

Re: Playlist Bug

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 25 Jan 2011 17:50

VLC implement XSPF. If it does not work, it's either a bug in your playlist or in VLC.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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