Videolan TV-Streaming and remote channel changing SUCCESSFUL

About encoding, codec settings, muxers and filter usage
Blank Cone
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Postby shadowspawn » 24 Feb 2005 16:43

what if vlc is a service?

i have some code that will start/stop win32's services (using impersonation) from asp/aspx. (background vs forground priority on server is different).

but i'd figure that you would set up channels and use "scraper code", where the web server performs "get" requests to vlc's the built-in http interface.

you have the latest vlc build in that rar?

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Postby scoutice » 25 Feb 2005 08:36

starting vlc as service would be better than starting it with only some inferface, which is not used, in my case the webinterface.

>but i'd figure that you would set up channels and use "scraper code", where >the web server performs "get" requests to vlc's the built-in http interface.
sorry, i cannot understand. what do you mean? the build in web-server of vlc is not used. would this be possible for channel changing? the built in webserver is only used, that vlc starts without a gui, in the case a user is currently logged in.

>you have the latest vlc build in that rar?
no, i have some nightly build (not in the rar, but using it), i think its from ~15.2.2005, because the features to set the channel are not yet integrated in a official version, but will be in the next release (I read)

yours, greetings, thomas

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WAP-Interface for VCR added

Postby scoutice » 26 Feb 2005 13:15

hi there! I implemented your suggestion to add a WAP-interface for the timers of the videorecorder. it's a quite simple interface, but you can
->start the VRC immideately on a certain channel for a selectable duration
->create a timer to record a certain broadcast
->delete a timer.

the code is integrated in version 0.3 and ready for download and use.

tested with some desktop wap-browsers and a Nokia 6100. if there are some issues with your phone, please tell me!

greetings, thomas


Wow, that was quick!

Postby Jonas » 27 Feb 2005 11:11

Great work!

I have a sony Ericsson phone T630 and will try it out as soon as possible. The problem is that my web server is on another machine than the TV card, so I have to move hardware around.... But I will try it out as soon as possible. (Kids taking most of the time... :-)

A possible next step would be to stream the video out to a 3G phone. So you can start watching the game on the train going home from the Pub... :-))



Empty rar file

Postby Jonas » 27 Feb 2005 11:17

I just downloaded the rar fil for v 3, but it was empty???


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Streaming to 3G phones

Postby scoutice » 27 Feb 2005 11:19

you are right, this would be the next step.
as streaming to other pc is already realized, this will not be very difficult, I think. the channel change and start/stop using wap is surely easy to implement. but the problem is, that I do not own a 3G phone, and I do not know, which streaming format the phones would accept.
when you surf the internet using a 3G phone, do you have a public IP-Adress? of what do the media-players on these phones support? can you open a mpeg-stream over a http-connection?


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Re: Empty rar file

Postby scoutice » 27 Feb 2005 11:25

I just downloaded the rar fil for v 3, but it was empty???

Just tried it, its a valid .rar file, not empty. just retry it. greetings


Postby Anon » 05 Mar 2005 21:21

Couldn't the change channel functionality be done via VLCs http interface?


Postby Aye75 » 10 Mar 2005 22:19

Hi scoutice , nice program you got here :)

anyway I found your post here
where you describe that it would also be possible to play files directly from harddisk

sorry I'm a newbie when it comes to php and videolan

can you describe a bit on how would this be possible ?
which part do I change ?

since I really would like try out your program but I dont have a tv card or whatsoever


Blank Cone
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Postby scoutice » 14 Mar 2005 08:57

can you describe a bit on how would this be possible ?
which part do I change ?

since I really would like try out your program but I dont have a tv card or whatsoever
you do not have to change anything, just put your files you want to play in the streaming subfolder. however, if you are used to php you can just remove the parts.
i will extend the next version, so you just can disable/enable all parts of the scripts.
->wap interface for videorecorder
->live tv
->files on harddisk

greetings, thomas


Postby Alchi » 17 May 2005 15:49

Hello Scoutice!

gratulation for your needful programming-work!
i havn´t tried yet, but I search for a good solution to realise
How is your work going on, to implement playable files and subjectives install-files/scipts?


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Postby scoutice » 17 May 2005 17:56

at the moment there is not much programming i can do, because time is rather limited. furthermore, i do use the scripts as videorecorder 3 times a week without any trouble, and on each friday with a grand prix to stream the free training to my office.

everything works really well, and i do not see any bugs and also no missing features (for me), so work at the moment is freezed.

what really would be great is a translation into english, i will work on that using resource files, so additional translations can be done easily.

any other ideas?
anyone else using the scripts? (so far i know 3 people)


Postby white_turtel » 19 May 2005 23:58

Nice thing scoutice,

it's exactly what I wanted to make myself
I will test it out in the next few days,

Lett you know soon


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Postby Garhu » 29 Jun 2005 23:39

I have a problem to view the first page (index.php) without any errors :S

There cames in the first lines this error

Code: Select all

Warning: shell_exec() []: Unable to execute 'tasklist.exe' in D:\html\vlc_streaming02\vlc_streaming02\Webinterface\ on line 5 Warning: shell_exec() []: Unable to execute 'schtasks' in D:\html\vlc_streaming02\vlc_streaming02\Webinterface\ on line 15
and at the end

Code: Select all

Warning: shell_exec() []: Unable to execute 'tasklist.exe' in D:\html\vlc_streaming02\vlc_streaming02\Webinterface\ on line 5 start Warning: shell_exec() []: Unable to execute 'tasklist.exe' in D:\html\vlc_streaming02\vlc_streaming02\Webinterface\ on line 5
VLC is running on a Windows Server 2003 Enterprise. The Webserver and php is installed and working. There are only the errors. I'm using the version (version: 0.2c). I have copied the files taskkill, tasklist and schtasks in the Webinterface folder. I tried to give the files rights, but the errors came again. I hoppe you can help me.

Also I wanted to ask, if it would be possible to look on the harddrive of the server and select the move or music you want to stream?
Last edited by Garhu on 14 Jul 2005 21:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Blank Cone
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new version

Postby scoutice » 05 Jul 2005 23:37

will come soon, but at the moment i am facing trouble with 0.8.2, it seems there is a bug in mpeg streaming (div3 works fine)

nothing great, but the chroma selection has moved to the config-file, and the vlc-task is not killed any more, but the switch --one-instance ist used.

it will soon be released, i will announce it here. greetings, thomas

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Postby Garhu » 07 Jul 2005 11:30

oki thx I will wait till then.
No risk, no fun


Postby Ralph2 » 16 Aug 2005 22:34

Hey Scoutice, great work. Most of the time it works, however I got stuck with a firewall/router. UDP packets were blocked and I couldn't receive them. Anybody has an idea how to implement some sort of UDP connection, probably initiated by the client ? So firewall/router will be happy.

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Postby scoutice » 17 Aug 2005 11:07

i had the same problem, but this is due to udp. does your router NAT (then it cannot work). if you have server behind (e.g. the computer, where VLC runs), create an incoming connection to establish a VPN, and through a VPN it will work.


ps: the other way probably would be to stream it as MMS-stream, you can watch it also in Windows Media Player or VLC - of course.



Postby Ralph2 » 17 Aug 2005 20:20

Just tried with a VPN, it works :) Thanks a lot Thomas. Tried with mms but after a few seconds it just stops streaming, drops frames... anything to solve this ? TTL ?

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Postby scoutice » 18 Aug 2005 09:16

no, never had this problem. probably mms needs more cpu-time and your server is too slow? i did not face this problem yet.

what client did you use? VLC?
what version of VLC do you have on the server?


Postby Ralph2 » 23 Aug 2005 18:50

I have VLC 8.2 running on the server, and used VLC as client too... Locally it works fine, but over the net it just doesn't keep up and goes into "bottleneck mode" :? Bandwidth is not the issue either... I guess I'll keep trying.

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Postby scoutice » 06 Sep 2005 11:29

which protocol do you use? i recommend udp, since it seems to be the most stable protocol, when you are facing temporarily disconnections or packets get lost.



Problem wit script

Postby Peter » 16 Nov 2005 00:53

Hello to all,

First i like to thank the maker of these scripts, just what i was looking for.
Only got one small problem, i cant add a planned recorder time for recording tv shows. The browser says it has not got access and in the adresbar i see something i think has to do with it but i am not such a php guru, so i cant find the problem.

Browser msg when i add something :

You don't have permission to access /< on this server.


Apache/1.3.33 Server at Port 9000

And this is what the adressbar in IE say´s :<?action=add& ... r_add.y=33

I think its missing something like a php file name in the adress after the 9000 but i cant find it.

the version of the scripts 0.3e

Thanx in advance

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Postby scoutice » 16 Nov 2005 08:31

hmm, strange. and the rest works? i'll have a look at it. is it only, when you add new recordings. the rest like watching live-tv works well?

greetings, thomas

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bug fixed

Postby scoutice » 16 Nov 2005 08:36

it was a small bug in the html. can you send me an email, that i send you the updated file to retry. if it works, I'll create a new version.

my mailadress: thomas [at] familie-hofer [dot] net
or have a look on my homepage.

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