French and English : WMP9 peut il lire les flux de VLS ?

Feature requests for VLC.

French and English : WMP9 peut il lire les flux de VLS ?

Postby Fouine » 20 Jan 2004 18:35

Je cherche une solution de streaming emettant des flux video lisible sur un PocketPC sous WM2003.

J'ai essayé WindowsMediaEncodeur9 et je peux visualiser le flux avec WindowsMediaPlayer9 sur mon PocketPC.

Seulement la Solution de WME9 n'est pas tres souple, il faut lancer l'encodage en local.

Je recherche une vrai solution serveur permetant de choisir le media a diffuser depuis un client (PocketPC).

VLS est il controlable depuis une interface WEB? peux on controler les flux emis depuis cette interface? Puis je lire les flux emis par VLS avec WindowsMediaPlayer9?

Merci a vous.....and now i'll try to explain my problem in english..

i'm trying to find a solution for video streaming. i want to play this video streaming on my PocketPC under WM2003.

is it possible to play the VLS streaming with WindowsMediaPlayer9 on my PocketPC? i have experienced WindowsMediaEncoder9 and it run. But this is not a real server because u need to lunch encoder in local and for one file only. u can't choose with the client what media u want to play.

can i read VLS streaming with WMP9 on my PocketPC?

can i manage with a Web interface files that i want to stream?


Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
Posts: 482
Joined: 21 Nov 2003 02:53
Location: Paris - France

Postby zorglub » 29 Jan 2004 19:08

can VLS be controlled using a WEB interface?
VLS can't at the moment (though it would not be very hard to do using the "native interface"), but VLC can, and could perhaps suit your needs (have a look at

Puis je lire les flux emis par VLS avec WindowsMediaPlayer9?
You have to use "MMS" streaming.

WMP9 can read MPEG2-TS using a special codec pack (moonlight)
Clément Stenac

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