Playback speed Button: mouse-wheel and fullscreen support

Feature requests for VLC.
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 12
Joined: 09 May 2010 16:54

Playback speed Button: mouse-wheel and fullscreen support

Postby favl » 09 Dec 2010 13:04

This feature request actually consist of two (very related) proposals:

1. Make the playback speed "button" mouse-wheel sensitive, like it is already for volume and timeline.

2. The very same "button" should be optional available in full-screen mode.


New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 20 Mar 2020 02:46

Re: Playback speed Button: mouse-wheel and fullscreen support

Postby NikoSilver » 20 Mar 2020 13:02

I agree and I want this feature too!! I don't understand why it is available for PC and not for Mac!! What kind of crazy discrimination is this???

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 28 Jun 2018 15:22

Re: Playback speed Button: mouse-wheel and fullscreen support

Postby jolene_s » 26 Mar 2020 00:09

I like this idea! clever and useful!

2. The very same "button" should be optional available in full-screen mode.
It is. The VLC interface is customizable (except for Mac). You can add this button to the fullscreen mode UI with this function.

I understand that there is no universal or reasonable method to write cross-platorm code that consistently creates consistent UIs. And in order to result this, Mac was given a static UI that hasn't really changed since first implemented. Perhaps it might be a good idea to check if the technology and/or available APIs/frameworks has progressed to the point that perhaps unifying the UIs would be more feasible? I know of more and more cross-platform apps which have complicated and sophisticated UIs which seems identical across operating systems.

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