Remote control playlist oddities

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Remote control playlist oddities

Postby booom » 28 Nov 2010 19:24


I have a script that is controlling VLC via the unix sockets interface on a Mac.

It works ok in principle but I'm having big problems manipulating playlist information.

If I load a bunch of media into the playlist so that the GUI reports, say, 200's not always guaranteed that the remote interface agrees.

i.e if I were then to issue the command 'goto 190' via the socket interface, VLC may return 'Playlist has only 160 elements'.

i.e it generally *always* disagrees with the value given in the GUI, and the value my script itself holds internally (as it has a counter to know how many files it has added to the playlist at runtime).

Any ideas why this descrepency between the gui and the remote interface?

I've also noticed if I issue the 'playlist' command other the remote interface it doesn't *always* return the full playlist. Most of the times it only returns a partial list.

The two may be linked?

Any thoughts? I'm a bit stumped.

This is on a Mac, latest version and using 'nc -U' to interface to the socket file.

Help greatly appreciated.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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VLC version: master
Operating System: Linux

Re: Remote control playlist oddities

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 28 Nov 2010 22:54

I don't know if this applies, but VLC versions earlier than 1.1.5 have a known bug with the goto command not working correctly.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Remote control playlist oddities

Postby booom » 28 Nov 2010 23:14

hmm ok thanks, perhaps I'm not as up to date as I think - 1.1.5 seems to be the current release. I'll need to double check!

On second looks - the number of items in the playlist is exactly double what the RC interface tells me.

Incrementing goto by 1 (i.e goto 1, goto 2) skips an entry in the 'real' playlist only playing back every second file.

I'll double and triple check the version I'm running!

Do you have a link / details on the goto bug?

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
Joined: 28 Nov 2010 19:18

Re: Remote control playlist oddities

Postby booom » 29 Nov 2010 10:34

You're 100% correct. I wasn't as up to date as I thought - one version behind.

Updated to 1.1.5 and the rc interface is now reporting the same number of playlist elements as the GUI. Problem solved - thank you! - sorry to be so stupid.

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