can't copy/paste to Network URL & no space in file names

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can't copy/paste to Network URL & no space in file names

Postby notbananas » 20 Nov 2010 21:06

RE: version 1.1.5


Media>Open Network Stream>Network>Network Protocol>Please enter a network URL:

I was able to copy/paste in older versions, but now I can't in this one. I pasted to Notepad so I know it's copying. When I try to select paste, nothing happens. Cntrl-V doesn't work either.

Second issue is I can't have a space in the file name (same location as above). If I try to enter a space, the cursor does not advance to the next charater position. I am forced to enter a %20 in the URL where a space should be, then it works fine.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: can't copy/paste to Network URL & no space in file names

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 21 Nov 2010 10:45

White spaces are not valid characters within an URL, so there is no way you could be copying a (valid) URL with white spaces in. So I don't understand your problem.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Blank Cone
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Re: can't copy/paste to Network URL & no space in file names

Postby notbananas » 21 Nov 2010 17:14

I beg to differ with you!

Standard space (%20) is a valid ASCII character in any file name (not in the file extension though) and it's been in use since the first version of Win95. DOS did not allow spaces in file names, which was the old 8.3 format.

Most ASCII characters are permitted in a file name, with the exception of a few reserved characters: \ / : * ? " < > |
These are used as dedicated characters in the command line when you open a DOS window.
\ folder separator
/ also folder separator
: drive letter designator (C:, D:, etc.)
* wild card (eg: C:\>dir myfiles*.doc)
? file letter substitution for match of any character in that position (eg: C:\>dir myfiles???.doc)
| (vertical bar) used to pass parameters to a command line program (eg: C:\>dir | more)

You can test it by re-naming any file or folder with WinExplorer and adding a space in the name. Obviously most all movie titles have spaces between words, so I'm not about to rename hundreds of movies.

If what you say is correct, then why does it work with version 1.0.5 which is what I'm using now in order to view videos on my website where I store them (instead of my local PC) in a password protected folder.

Also the issue of copy & paste is still remaining. The "select all", which is cntrl-A doesn't work either in the location where you enter the ftp URL. The 1.0.5 verion works fine with copy/paste/select all.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: can't copy/paste to Network URL & no space in file names

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 21 Nov 2010 17:33

I never said that '%20' was invalid in URLs. I said that white space are not valid in URLs. You can check in IETF RFC3986 section 2 if you "disagree".

If you want to input a file path, use one of two the open file dialogs, or you can use a valid file:// URI syntax.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Blank Cone
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Re: can't copy/paste to Network URL & no space in file names

Postby notbananas » 21 Nov 2010 19:27

Thanks for the quick response. You are correct as far as white space in URL's, but then why does it work fine in version 1.0.5 which is what I am forced to continue using.

Here is the actual URL I use which works fine: Movies/Nova-Elegant Universe/The Elegant Universe - 1.avi

If you note the white spaces here:

Folder name: "Classic Movies"
Subfolder name: "Nova-Elegant Universe"
File name: "The Elegant Universe - 1.avi"

If you like I can send you the actual real link for you to try it.

Again, there's also the unresolved "copy/paste/select all" issue.

Thanks for your help.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: can't copy/paste to Network URL & no space in file names

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 22 Nov 2010 17:03 Movies/Nova-Elegant Universe/The Elegant Universe - 1.avi
That is not an URL. It's something that looks similar to an URL. For the last time, there are no spaces in URLs.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Blank Cone
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Re: can't copy/paste to Network URL & no space in file names

Postby notbananas » 22 Nov 2010 22:13

OK, now that we got sidetracked from the main issue, now I know that this is not a URL. Thanks for explaining the difference.

But the issue remains: it works on 1.0.5 but not the new version. Something was obviously done on the new version to make it not work, or was the earlier version which had a anomaly that made it work, and the new version was corrected?

Coincidentaly, "the copy/paste/select all" was also working on the earlier version buty not on this latest one. Could it be related?

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: can't copy/paste to Network URL & no space in file names

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 22 Nov 2010 22:21

Nothing was done. It was accidental side effect of the design that VLC handled such broken URLs. Oh, we added a filter to block white spaces, but that's only because the current VLC won't handle those broken URLs anymore internally.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: can't copy/paste to Network URL & no space in file names

Postby decaf » 01 Apr 2012 16:16

The question is: Why didn't you put a message there for showing what's going on?
Because I couldn't find out that I'm copying one or two spaces at the and of URL, I was thinking it's a bug, not a feature.

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Re: can't copy/paste to Network URL & no space in file names

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 01 Apr 2012 19:44

Sure we could trim URLs. Patch welcome.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: can't copy/paste to Network URL & no space in file names

Postby jamesuk » 29 Nov 2013 23:09

Like many others here, I have used VLC for years and been able to paste what we have termed as a URL often preceded with mms: etc. into the URL field on the network stream tab. It may well be the case that these URLs are not valid from a pure technical standpoint but this is what many of us users actually see when we look at the properties of a streaming video clip on a web page.

If we can no longer paste what we see directly from the web page properties in internet explorer and copy it directly into VLC then this presents a serious roadblock for many of us.

I will often download (CONVERT/SAVE) many video clips in an evening and having to work out what's wrong with the URL I copied from internet explorer, paste it into notepad, try to fix each one before I paste it into VLC just makes what has been a brilliant product too time consuming and difficult to use.

I assume I am not alone.

I am running Windows 8.1, VLC 2.1.1 Rincewind
Both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions do exactly the same thing.

Can we have some sort of patch / update so the functionality works as it did in previous versions?

RE: version 1.1.5


Media>Open Network Stream>Network>Network Protocol>Please enter a network URL:

I was able to copy/paste in older versions, but now I can't in this one. I pasted to Notepad so I know it's copying. When I try to select paste, nothing happens. Cntrl-V doesn't work either.

Second issue is I can't have a space in the file name (same location as above). If I try to enter a space, the cursor does not advance to the next charater position. I am forced to enter a %20 in the URL where a space should be, then it works fine.

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Re: can't copy/paste to Network URL & no space in file names

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 10 Dec 2013 23:14

Try a 2.2.0 nightly build.
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