Is it possible to stream VLC between a Mac and Apple TV

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New Cone
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Is it possible to stream VLC between a Mac and Apple TV

Postby ffidrac » 24 Oct 2010 10:43

I have a mac and apple TV, and have to convert files to mp4 to use on Apple TV via iTunes (which is a pain) and I was wondering if there is a way to use VLC on my Mac and stream the video over to Apple TV. any help appreciated

Big Cone-huna
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Re: Is it possible to stream VLC between a Mac and Apple TV

Postby ajmas » 25 Oct 2010 20:50

Without some modification to the software on the Apple TV, such as using XBMC instead, I believe it will only work using DAAP sources, such as iTunes.

BTW Which model of the Apple TV are you using?
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Re: Is it possible to stream VLC between a Mac and Apple TV

Postby fkuehne » 26 Oct 2010 00:30

Streaming to Apple TV would surely be possible by adding AirVideo support to VLC. I saw some basic code for a Linux sound server a few weeks ago, so this is surely possible, however, I've got the feeling nobody will be working on that soon... Sorry.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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