Hi folks,
I was recently given a Macbook Pro from a friend who got a much newer laptop (& I LOVE macs, but haven't had one in ages, so this is kewl!) Have run VLC on it since immediately loading it when I first got this laptop - but just started having problems with it unexpectedly crashing. When I went to check for upgrades, figuring that probably made more sense than troubleshooting the v. 1.0.5 goldeneye, well, I have to ask two things.
First, sometimes the latest versions of programs can have instability problems or bugs - is the most current VLC actually the best, or is there a slightly older version that seems better/more stable on mac's - and if so, where and where can I find and download its installer?
Next, I was a little surprised that VLC seems to require download and complete reinstall, rather than upgrading the existing version on your computer. Probably better anyhow since my version had started having problems (maybe my fault, as I'd gotten very low on open disk space on this computer, but now have >10% of the drive open). Only how do I first properly and thoroughly UNINSTALL the old version from a mac, my now being relatively mac ignorant after not having had one for so many years?
Thanks for your help in advance!!