How can I play VLC bit perfect?

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How can I play VLC bit perfect?

Postby johnny552 » 20 Sep 2010 00:29

How do I set up VLC to play without any effects added? I am mostly interested in what setting on the volume doesn't cause clipping (200% is full? or 100% is full?). Also, I figured out that if I hold down CTRL while using the up arrow, I can get above 200%.

I was confused and just wanted to listen to music without experiencing distortion. I have been going on 50% right now, but I don't know where I should actually put it to be bit perfect.

Also, how do I do the same for audio from video files? Thanks!

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: How can I play VLC bit perfect?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 20 Sep 2010 16:57

100% is the normal rate.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: How can I play VLC bit perfect?

Postby Gargery » 02 Oct 2010 16:29

I too am interested in this subject. Is there any way to disable the volume control and any other audio processing permanently? I want a bit-perfect copy of uncompressed audio files to end up at the SPDIF output.

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