New to encoding

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New Cone
New Cone
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New to encoding

Postby jama7 » 23 Sep 2010 09:53

Hi everybody,

I'm interested in learning a few things about video encoding, so I thought it could be a good idea to have a look at the VLC source code, but I'm very lost and don't know what I should look...

My main objective is to be able to get metadata from a video stream, so I would like to see how VLC performs this task. Could someone please tell me where could I find this information? What files do this, if it's possible...

Thanks for your help

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: New to encoding

Postby hussam_2000 » 27 Sep 2010 05:26

I'm trying to do the same with MFC C++ ! i'm experienced in Win Forms but now i have to take a step back with MFC. I have been finding source code but it is confusing ( just like what you said). i will keep you posted if i figure something out . I'm trying to read a video from a stream and get the metadata out of the stream. What kind of meta Data are you looking @ ? KLV, SDL , .. . Are you encoding with a hardware encoder and trying to decode with VLC ? please let me know if you can find something that can it can help both of us .

to start with ;

you need to get the DLLs ( libVLC,libvlccore ) and then get the their libs and the .h files and try to compile you program which that ( i got to this point). but when i try to read some of the functions then i will complain that it cannot find some of them n the Libs. it is all confusing !! and some libraries are specific to some projects so what works for some might not work for u. :(

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 65
Joined: 03 Aug 2010 21:03

Re: New to encoding

Postby hussam_2000 » 28 Sep 2010 04:36

The examples they have on the forum are from 2007 and 2008 . since then , they have omitted/added/renamed functions and structures . you either want to use the old .h and dlls or use the new source code ( more stable ) but figure out how to use it. Good luck

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