Thanks to the VLC-makers: best player for HDTV-recordings!
Again thanks to VLC-makers: best tool to transcode HDTV Transport Streams to
editable formats!
But I found no skin with a time display that I could read on my TV screen.
The 12 points default character size is too small for me.
So I started altering an existing skin and
THANKS TO THE MAKERS OF the SKINEDITOR, I'm beginning to see first results.
Some of the remaining questions:
1. Is it possible to display the time along a seeker/time-slider at mouse
position as is the case in the native skin? It can be shown as tooltiptext,
when the mouse pointer is over the current slider position, but what for
other mouse positions?
2. I learned from posts in the forum that
a. it is not possible to make a fullscreenController visible by mouseMove or
mouseOver, like in the native skin; instead toggling it with shortcut "i" is
b. in a multiple screen setup fullscreen mode is always displayed on the
primary screen.
Is that still true?
3. and most important: My timeSlider doesn't move correctly. With short
videos (e.g. 3 minutes), it moves about every second )a small jump), with
longer videos (e.g. 1 or 2 hours) it stands still for about 25 seconds
(varying) then makes a jump to the new position. When clicking on the seeker,
the marker at first jumps to the click position, but immediately after it
jumps a bit to the left, probably to a position it would have reached jumping
on its own.
With best regards