Well, that I did. I configured the latest source code from this site with the option1. No, windows and linux version should have the same behaviour, this is probably an ubuntu bug. Maybe to fix it, you need to compile your own VLC.
Code: Select all
./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-glx
http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/post/2009/0 ... 5-commandsHello j-b,
thank you for your reply.
Well, that I did. I configured the latest source code from this site with the option1. No, windows and linux version should have the same behaviour, this is probably an ubuntu bug. Maybe to fix it, you need to compile your own VLC.I had to use the --disable-glx option as I couldn't find a "GL development package" that worked with the configure script. Which one should be working? I tried with several ones from the repositories, without any change.Code: Select all
./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-glx
After satisfying a whole bunch of other dependencies and configuring successfully, I ran './compile'. That printed hundreds of lines of "WARNING :" which where displayed in yellow color. Is that normal? As it ran through without any real errors I figured it should be okay.
When I afterwards ran VLC, the only video output module I could use was "X11 video output" which got displayed in an extra window. The few other output modules (my previously installed version had much more modules, and the one that worked best there, "XVideo extension video output", wasn't even available now) didn't display any video output. Strangely enough, there also was the "OpenGL video output" choosable, despite the configure option --disable-glx. But maybe I understood that wrong?
The option "Integrate video in interface" had no effect, the video remained in a separate window. In fullscreen mode, the whole screen was made black, but the video was displayed in the original size in the top left corner of the screen. It didn't get scaled at all, it wasn't possible to get any kind of real fullscreen. And still, mouse volume control only worked when hovering over the volume slider on the controls.
All in all, my self-compiled version got really screwed up, it was even worse than the version I got from the DEB packages. If you have any pointers on what I might have done wrong, I'd be happy to try again.
For now, VLC (by now back to the DEBs) remains rather unusable for me as most videos are displayed with long and longer freeze frames. I hope that will be fixed when a new graphics driver is released.
So far,
Thank you very much for that link. I did that and it worked wonderfully.
1) Consider it as alpha development stage, but it is quite stable enough though.Hello again j-b,
Thank you very much for that link. I did that and it worked wonderfully.
So, can this 1.0.0-git version be considered a stable release? Or is it still a development or beta version?
In this version my freeze-frame issues seem to be solved from what I could see so far.
The volume adjustment issue, however, remains. In fullscreen mode as well as in window mode, the mouse wheel still only can adjust the volume when the pointer hovers over the volume slider. So no change there, but as you stated before, that might be an ubuntu bug that becomes notable in VLC.
Many thanks,
Thank you for pointing this out. But nope, no real change in behaviour there: In window mode, scroll wheel events will only be recognized when pointer is hovering over some part of the (grey) interface area, but not over the video overlay. And in fullscreen mode the mouse wheel would only change volume (or seek position, if set to "Position Control") when hovering over the appropriate volume or position slider.2) No, no, no, read the preferences, hotkeys page.
Sorry, can't do much more than following your HowTo to the letter...You are doing something wrong.
So, summary: You say that it works correctly over the GUI but not over the video and fullscreen?
- In windowed mode, the mouse wheel would effect the volume whenever the pointer hovers anywhere over the grey VLC GUI (well, except, of course, the window decoration), but not when hovering over the video overlay.
- In fullscreen mode, the mouse wheel would only effect the volume when pointer hovers over the tiny volume slider, which is really hard to target in fullscreen.
- In 1.0.0-git, when "MouseWheel x-axis Control" was set to "Position Control", then the mouse wheel would affect the position, but as well, only when hovering as stated above. Assigning the mouse wheel to "Volume up/down" in hotkey settings, didn't change that behaviour.
- In 1.0.0-git, the mouse wheel "Tilt" buttons (buttons 6/7) are recognized as "Mouse Wheel Up/Down" (buttons 4/5) as well. Buttons 8/9 seem not to be recognized by VLC at all.
Yap, correct. At least it did (or didn't) so in all my tests so far.So, summary: You say that it works correctly over the GUI but not over the video and fullscreen?
This seem to have borken lately... Let me check.Yap, correct. At least it did (or didn't) so in all my tests so far.So, summary: You say that it works correctly over the GUI but not over the video and fullscreen?
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