The problem with those "radical redesign" skins that move things around in the UI is that you can't just throw an old Interface Builder Design (like the "MainMenu.nib" that those redesigns use) into a newer version of VLC. The reason being that if a newer version of VLC changed names of or added new UI controls, those controls will be missing from your outdated definition and you will end up with VLC crashing as it tries to access something that isn't defined.
And I agree,
THE DEFAULT VLC SKIN LOOKS ABSOLUTELY AWFUL, THE BUTTONS ARE BLURRY AND NOT *AT ALL* UP TO MAC STANDARDS, AND HAVE ESSENTIALLY REMAINED THE SAME FOR AT LEAST 6 YEARS. They weren't good then and they aren't good now. It's also full of bugs like the position searchbar for videos actually going out of bounds and going into the timer area in some cases. The graphics ARE adequate in that they are at least Mac-INSPIRED, I'll give it that, but
you could do so much better. Fortunately, some people have:
There are three third party skins at the moment:
- The "A Better VLC by Default" skin (actual name: "VLC is better by default", definitely named by someone not fluent in English, hehe), is a skin which COMPLETELY cleans up all the default graphics, taking it from 1999 to 2010 in looks. It also doesn't go beyond changing graphics files, so it's very unintrusive as you don't need to change the UI DEFINITION files, making it quite resistant to version updates. It works with the latest version of VLC and will continue to work until VLC adds more interface graphics or restructures things. All you have to do is close VLC, then "Show Package Contents" on VLC, go to Contents > Resources, and drop in all the graphics from its "Drag the content in Resources" folder, overwriting the defaults. Next time you start VLC it will look modern and crisp. This is a great choice of a skin EVEN FOR THOSE THAT DON'T LIKE THE DEFAULT VLC BUTTON LAYOUT, since it cleans up the default layout TREMENDOUSLY and makes it very Mac-like, something the default skin lacks!
> Preview:
> Official Download/Preview:
- "Black Pearl". This is an invasive skin which moves the control bar into the main video window. It isn't a very aesthetic or well designed skin, since the author has wasted HUGE amounts of space by making the video controls overly large, making them take up a huge portion of the video area. A very poor design choice. The graphics resources are quite fine, and with a redesign to make the bar 50% thinner and less obstructive, it would be a good skin.
> Preview:
- "Delicious VideoLan Mod". This is another invasive skin which changes the interface design definition to move the control bar into the video window. That is actually something I *AGREE* with in general; that is to say, VLC is quite perplexing in the choice to have a separate control bar (which causes it to go hiding behind other windows on the desktop, and makes it harder to access if for instance it sits BEHIND the video window, it is also overly large for what could easily be a single, thin bar inside the video window). This is also an example of a skin which did the control bar "move" well, in that the resulting bar is very thin, yet still houses ALL the controls. The VLC designers could really take a hint from this guy. Not only that, but the actual design is VERY slick and 2010. Sadly, since it uses an outdated interface design file, it cannot plug into the latest VLC.
> Preview:
What we can learn here, are a couple of things:
The VLC core developers that are calling the shots about big changes like this, can, AT THE VERY LEAST, and with NO EFFORT AT ALL, plug the "VLC is better by default" (there's that incorrect, odd name again, hehe) graphics into the CURRENT, UNMODIFIED VLC player and keep it like that forever. It'll update the player to a good graphical standard while keeping the layout.
No effort required and it gives a beautiful result.
If they want to go even further and take a hint from the extremely well designed "Delicious VideoLan Mod" and unify the control interface with the video and update to slick, dark, modern graphics, then they can do that as well with a bit more work.
Contacting the original authors for permission is of course required, but they would be flattered to have a design credit in the program, I am sure of that, and they'd give up their original design resource files so that the design can always be updated by the VLC developers in the future, so there is NO issue of "what about doing future updates?", not for a second. It's all easily solvable once you have the original design layers.
The last option is to stick with the awful current design and have
every user with taste scrambling to at least do the simple drop-in replacement graphics ("VLC is better..." skin).
don't act like "nobody cares about the design". People
OBVIOUSLY DO. There has cropped up a whole 3rd party, invasive skinning community, and there are several ALTERNATIVE PLAYERS to VLC with the EXPRESS STATED PURPOSE of making "a more beautiful, more mac-like player than VLC"; Movist for example.
Now, we have three different authors that have laid all the groundwork for a redesign; where the "VLC is better..." skin is a drop-in replacement that sharpens up the default graphics tremendously; and the "Delicious VideoLan Mod" is an incredibly beautiful, modern skin.
All that work has already been done, and if anyone at VLC cares about design (and they seem to, considering all the skinning activity on supported platforms) then contacting the authors and getting one of those two solutions implemented is not only DOABLE, but the authors would be HONORED to help the team with getting everything integrated into the official build and providing all the source graphics. At the very least there's NO excuse not to implement the sharp "VLC is better..." drop in update of the default graphics. Everything stays the same and simply looks a lot better! It couldn't be less intrusive than that, and would finally make the Mac version of VLC beautiful!
It'll be interesting to see what happens.
Take care everyone!